The case is pretty much finished, l'm still waiting for my .5mm electrical wire order to come in to do the lighting.
So while I'm waiting, I went back to the model itself. Like I said before, the only thing left in the body.
Here's a list of what as to be done
1- reprint a new body with full walls and all missing features (hinge cut-outs, holes to locate mesh screen, visers and soft top frame)
2- design mesh screen and visor mount
3- design soft top frame
4- wrap body with rexine like material (I've done a few test and i think I have a good material)
5- make leather coverded seats
6- make all interior panel and fittings
7- make dashboard
8- make wood floor boards
So as you can see, I'm closer to the end but still have lots to do. On May 10th, lt will make 1 year since I started this project, and I see at least another 3 months to complete.
Here are a few pictures of what as been done so far.
I did some wrapping test using the kit's body. I tried a very thin black leather on the passager side and a 4 way sstretch glossy fabric on the drivers side. Althougt the leather is nice and very easy to work with, I find that the glossy fabric better mimics the rexine.
Glossy fabric
actual rexine coverded body
I've test printed a new body. It has exactly the same shape and size as my other printed body except it has full walls. It will make wrapping much easier. And once finished in and out, no one will see the differrnce.
Body in slicer app
I started modeling the mesh screen mounting brackets
The real thing