A Dutch Fluyt in shell first, reconstructing the "Ghost ship" scale 1:36

The double timbers I mean that the space is filled with two layers of timbers, one between floor up to the wale and the second layer from wale up to the fore castle deck. Single means fill it with one long piece of frame timber.
Thanks Maarten, for your clarification.
Looking at the picture from the Anna Maria, I see there is an overlap between the lower- and upper timbers around the wale.
You still have to add the upper timbers to your model?
Thanks Maarten, for your clarification.
Looking at the picture from the Anna Maria, I see there is an overlap between the lower- and upper timbers around the wale.
You still have to add the upper timbers to your model?
Hi Ron,

Yes the upper timbers still needs to be added. I will first finish all the lower timbers and their treenailing, then I start adding the shelf clamp of the koebrug followed by the ceiling planks. After that I can set up some "stekers" top timbers to set out the top shape of the hull followed by again cent latten to set out the shape for the remainig top timbers.