Amerigo Vespucci - 1:84 Panart

Hello all
I have been working on rigging the sails on the Mizzen mast and have to say that this has been a very "interesting and challenging" experience.
I had already installed all the standing rigging for all the spars and realized that the space to rig the sails was extremely limited. I had therefore to temporarily remove some of the standing rigging in order to make room for installing the sails without breaking all ropes in this spider web.
Furthermore I realized that the Mantua/Panart plan is not adapted to support sails (despite of the fact that Mantua sells the sails as an add-on). I had to change the position of some of the stays and some of the spart rigging in order to insert and install the sails.
Of course, because of all this painful experience, I ran out of Ropes of Scale ropes and had to order some extra sets.
All in all, the Mizzen sails are now installed and I hope that my experience will help me when rigging the main mast sails.
Let's see starting tomorrow.

Some pictures below.

I also added the hanks on the mizzen mast belaying pins.
Hello all
I have been working on rigging the sails on the Mizzen mast and have to say that this has been a very "interesting and challenging" experience.
I had already installed all the standing rigging for all the spars and realized that the space to rig the sails was extremely limited. I had therefore to temporarily remove some of the standing rigging in order to make room for installing the sails without breaking all ropes in this spider web.
Furthermore I realized that the Mantua/Panart plan is not adapted to support sails (despite of the fact that Mantua sells the sails as an add-on). I had to change the position of some of the stays and some of the spart rigging in order to insert and install the sails.
Of course, because of all this painful experience, I ran out of Ropes of Scale ropes and had to order some extra sets.
All in all, the Mizzen sails are now installed and I hope that my experience will help me when rigging the main mast sails.
Let's see starting tomorrow.

Some pictures below.

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I also added the hanks on the mizzen mast belaying pins.
View attachment 470250
That is looking GREAT, Gilbert. A impressive amount of ropes! And still a lot to come.
Regards, Peter
Hello all
I have been working on rigging the sails on the Mizzen mast and have to say that this has been a very "interesting and challenging" experience.
I had already installed all the standing rigging for all the spars and realized that the space to rig the sails was extremely limited. I had therefore to temporarily remove some of the standing rigging in order to make room for installing the sails without breaking all ropes in this spider web.
Furthermore I realized that the Mantua/Panart plan is not adapted to support sails (despite of the fact that Mantua sells the sails as an add-on). I had to change the position of some of the stays and some of the spart rigging in order to insert and install the sails.
Of course, because of all this painful experience, I ran out of Ropes of Scale ropes and had to order some extra sets.
All in all, the Mizzen sails are now installed and I hope that my experience will help me when rigging the main mast sails.
Let's see starting tomorrow.

Some pictures below.

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I also added the hanks on the mizzen mast belaying pins.
View attachment 470250
Good morning Gilbert. If the French Rugby team played as well as your modelling skills they would be world champions ;):D. Cheers Grant
Fantastic work!!

PS: I am SO angry, this ship was in Los Angeles about a month ago on its stop for its world tour.
I found out too late - all boarding tickets had been sold, and she was leaving the next morning:(:mad:. I almost drove to San Pedro just to see her,
but had pre-committed to a work schedule for that day.
Fantastic work!!

PS: I am SO angry, this ship was in Los Angeles about a month ago on its stop for its world tour.
I found out too late - all boarding tickets had been sold, and she was leaving the next morning:(:mad:. I almost drove to San Pedro just to see her,
but had pre-committed to a work schedule for that day.
Hi John and thanks for your feedback
Missing her in LA was indeed bad luck