Amerigo Vespucci - 1:84 Panart

Looking so good, ireally hope that mine will look as good when I get thet far. Right now still working through book 3.
I have had my son and family here from Australia so for the first time in many years was able to be with both my children and all my grand kids at the same time. Maybe the last time for many years, so even the Amerigo Vespucci took second place for a while.
Your picture reminds me that I have a "lazy susan" or turntable in a cupboard somewhere.Definitely going to dig it out to use in the man-cave.
You keep on inspiring me...Thanks
Looking so good, ireally hope that mine will look as good when I get thet far. Right now still working through book 3.
I have had my son and family here from Australia so for the first time in many years was able to be with both my children and all my grand kids at the same time. Maybe the last time for many years, so even the Amerigo Vespucci took second place for a while.
Your picture reminds me that I have a "lazy susan" or turntable in a cupboard somewhere.Definitely going to dig it out to use in the man-cave.
You keep on inspiring me...Thanks
Hi Barcomad
Thanks for your input.
Although we all like ship building, family is definitely the first priority for all of us.
Enjoy the time with your children and grand children.
Hello all
I have finished the mizzen mast and believe that rigging of the Amerigo Vespucci is now completed.
I have to say that this was a very tedious work with a lot of broken threads that had to be redone multiple times.
Anyway, this is now behind me and I can get started on installing the sails.
Pictures below


From start to finish, installing the masts, shrouds, stays, spars and rigging took me approximately 6 months
Outstanding quality work. Very clean and very, very impressive. I understand the rigging took 6 months, but you should feel very content for a job well done!!
Hello all
I have finished the mizzen mast and believe that rigging of the Amerigo Vespucci is now completed.
I have to say that this was a very tedious work with a lot of broken threads that had to be redone multiple times.
Anyway, this is now behind me and I can get started on installing the sails.
Pictures below

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From start to finish, installing the masts, shrouds, stays, spars and rigging took me approximately 6 months
Bonjour à tous
J'ai terminé le mât d'artimon et je crois que le gréement de l'Amerigo Vespucci est maintenant terminé.
Je dois dire que c'était un travail très fastidieux avec beaucoup de fils cassés qui ont dû être refaits plusieurs fois.
Quoi qu'il en soit, c'est maintenant derrière moi et je peux commencer à installer les voiles.
Photos ci-dessous

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Du début à la fin, l'installation des mâts, des haubans, des étais, des espars et du gréement m'a pris environ 6 mois
Super boulot. Bravo, j'admire et je te suis mais avec beaucoup de retard mais le mien avance aussi. Puis-je te poser une question ? As-tu volontairement oublié de poser le gouvernail, ou est-ce un effet d'optique. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt. Sylvain
Hello all
I have finished the mizzen mast and believe that rigging of the Amerigo Vespucci is now completed.
I have to say that this was a very tedious work with a lot of broken threads that had to be redone multiple times.
Anyway, this is now behind me and I can get started on installing the sails.
Pictures below

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From start to finish, installing the masts, shrouds, stays, spars and rigging took me approximately 6 months
A very nice and impressive job, Gilbert.
Adding the sails will be a challenge. Looking forward!
Regards, Peter
Super boulot. Bravo, j'admire et je te suis mais avec beaucoup de retard mais le mien avance aussi. Puis-je te poser une question ? As-tu volontairement oublié de poser le gouvernail, ou est-ce un effet d'optique. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt. Sylvain
Bonjour Sylvain et merci pour tes commentaires.
En ce qui concerne le gouvernail, je n'ai pas oublié de le poser, mais un geste maladroit durant le week end l'a fait tomber. Je vais le recoller et utiliser une colle epoxy.