Amerigo Vespucci - 1:84 Panart

I marvel at every update! I have my Panart kit patiently waiting in the wings as I finish my Montanes. I should start on the Amerigo Vespucci towards the end of this year. I have an earlier version than yours and the documentation is lacking. I am a little nervous for taking on this project but I am so happy to have your build log, you have done an amazing job. I will be relying on your build log so again, thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks Gene
Believe me, the documentation I have is not that great, especially when it goes to masts and spars.
Happy to give you my input once you get started
Hello all
I have now started on the foremast spars.
The Panart kit provides wooden rings that are not that nice and break very easily. I have therefore decides to make the rings using brass rods.
I am using 0.5mmx2mm for the center rings and 0.2mmx1.5mm for the other rings. Each ring is soldered and painted.
Below one spar


The 5 spars of the foremast are now completed.
Many thanks to Mantares who is also building the Vespucci and gave me some very valuable input for attaching the spars to the mast.


I have decided to put on sails and have purchased Vespucci sails from Mantua.

What I need to do is to sew the reef bands and add the include de reef points.
I have never used a sewing machine before and this will certainly be quite an experience.
Working on practicing a bit first :p



Now let's try for real ...
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Hello all
I have now started on the foremast spars.
The Panart kit provides wooden rings that are not that nice and break very easily. I have therefore decides to make the rings using brass rods.
I am using 0.5mmx2mm for the center rings and 0.2mmx1.5mm for the other rings. Each ring is soldered and painted.
Below one spar

View attachment 452392

The 5 spars of the foremast are now completed.
Many thanks to Mantares who is also building the Vespucci and gave me some very valuable input for attaching the spars to the mast.

View attachment 452395

I have decided to put on sails and have purchased Vespucci sails from Mantua.
View attachment 452396

What I need to do is to sew the reef bands and add the include de reef points.
I have never used a sewing machine before and this will certainly be quite an experience.
Working on practicing a bit first :p

View attachment 452397

View attachment 452398

Now let's try for real ...
Good morning Gilbert. Ha I share your pain. I also gave sewing a first go and to get it right takes some learning. PS your spars are excellent.Cheers Grant
Good morning Gilbert. Ha I share your pain. I also gave sewing a first go and to get it right takes some learning. PS your spars are excellent.Cheers Grant
What seems like 100 years ago I used to make heavy duty tents and marquees and used a lot of different sewing machines. They were all heavy duty with needles that would pierce through wooden battens. 3 layers of 20oz heavy Flax in a rolled hem was no match for a singer 132K6! I know all the principles but delicate fabrics and fine threads are another world altogether.
I am a long way off thinking about sails for my AV but right now I expect it will be like I saw it moored in dock with all sails furled.
Good morning Gilbert. Ha I share your pain. I also gave sewing a first go and to get it right takes some learning. PS your spars are excellent. Cheers Grant
Thanks Grant
Not too much pain so far, but I am only trying on test material. Let's see when I get started on the real thing ;)
Hello all
Jibs are now installed
I initially followed the Mantua sail plan (first picture below) but really did not like the overall look. I felt that the jibs were not forward enough on the bowsprit.
So I changed and installed the first jib further forward (last 2 pictures).



I am now going to start the fore sails.
This will be fun for sure :)
Hello all,
I have now installed the Foremast spars.
Some pictures below of the process I followed.



I struggled a bit on the best approach for attaching spars to mast (Mantua documentation is very poor) but thanks to the input from Mantares and several SoS threads, I managed to find a proper solution.
Once I was close to completion of this task, I realized that the top 3 spars were significantly too high, starting from the upper fore spar/sail. I then decided to remove those 3 spars, lower them (3-4 cm) and re-attach to the mast. Quite a bit of extra time but worth the effort.
Looking at the Mantua plan and several builds of the Amerigo Vespucci, the upper fore spar is very close to the lower fore spar. See picture of the actual ship below.

I believe this is due to the fact that the upper spars slide up on each mast when the sails are installed. Below a picture of the ship with sails


Since I'll have sails of the ship, I therefore decided to adjust the position of the upper fore spar.

Below the foremast once the rigging is completed..


I'll now secure the jib ropes, install one additional jib and move to the main mast.
Hello all,
I have now installed the Foremast spars.
Some pictures below of the process I followed.

View attachment 458973

View attachment 458974

I struggled a bit on the best approach for attaching spars to mast (Mantua documentation is very poor) but thanks to the input from Mantares and several SoS threads, I managed to find a proper solution.
View attachment 458975
Once I was close to completion of this task, I realized that the top 3 spars were significantly too high, starting from the upper fore spar/sail. I then decided to remove those 3 spars, lower them (3-4 cm) and re-attach to the mast. Quite a bit of extra time but worth the effort.
Looking at the Mantua plan and several builds of the Amerigo Vespucci, the upper fore spar is very close to the lower fore spar. See picture of the actual ship below.
View attachment 458976

I believe this is due to the fact that the upper spars slide up on each mast when the sails are installed. Below a picture of the ship with sails

View attachment 458977

Since I'll have sails of the ship, I therefore decided to adjust the position of the upper fore spar.

Below the foremast once the rigging is completed..

View attachment 458979
View attachment 458980

I'll now secure the jib ropes, install one additional jib and move to the main mast.
Impressive rigging with the 5 spars, Gilbert.
Some of them are fixed and some are adjustable?
The middle one still needs the side ropes?
Nice to see the build-up of this complex rigging.
Regards, Peter
Hello all,
I have now installed the Foremast spars.
Some pictures below of the process I followed.

View attachment 458973

View attachment 458974

I struggled a bit on the best approach for attaching spars to mast (Mantua documentation is very poor) but thanks to the input from Mantares and several SoS threads, I managed to find a proper solution.
View attachment 458975
Once I was close to completion of this task, I realized that the top 3 spars were significantly too high, starting from the upper fore spar/sail. I then decided to remove those 3 spars, lower them (3-4 cm) and re-attach to the mast. Quite a bit of extra time but worth the effort.
Looking at the Mantua plan and several builds of the Amerigo Vespucci, the upper fore spar is very close to the lower fore spar. See picture of the actual ship below.
View attachment 458976

I believe this is due to the fact that the upper spars slide up on each mast when the sails are installed. Below a picture of the ship with sails

View attachment 458977

Since I'll have sails of the ship, I therefore decided to adjust the position of the upper fore spar.

Below the foremast once the rigging is completed..

View attachment 458979
View attachment 458980

I'll now secure the jib ropes, install one additional jib and move to the main mast.
Good morning Gilbert. Very very impressive. Pity about the football on Wednesday tho. Ireland got some revenge on the Springboks yesterday taking us by a point. Was one of the most physical rugby games I’ve watched and Ireland dominated us in this area of the game. Cheers Grant