Amerigo Vespucci - 1:84 Panart

Hi Peter
I see what you mean
However, those 2 ropes are not shown on the Mantua plan
May be this is because the spar goes up and down.
I had included the block while preparing the spar but will remove them
Thanks for your input
My advice: do add the rope. On the picture of the original you posted you can see it also on the 3th:
I think the Mantua plan is not correct.
That you can’t see them on the 2 at the top is maybe because of the sunlight.
On this picture also visible:
And also on the 5 on the main mast. And on the mizzen to the front.
An the end with the all the 15 spars, the gaff and sails it will be a impressive rigged model. I’ll keep following you rigging with great interest because I do love rigging!
The AV is still on my ‘to-build-list’. :)
Regards, Peter
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My advice: do add the rope. On the picture of the original you posted you can see it also on the 3th:
View attachment 459281
I think the Mantua plan is not correct.
That you can’t see them on the 2 at the top is maybe because of the sunlight.
On this picture also visible:
View attachment 459282
And also on the 5 on the main mast. And on the mizzen to the front.
An the end with the all the 15 spars, the gaff and sails it will be a impressive rigged model. I’ll keep following you rigging with great interest because I do love rigging!
The AV is still on my ‘to-build-list’. :)
Regards, Peter
Hi Peter
Many thanks for your input.
You are absolutely right and I realize that the plan is not correct;
I greatly appreciate your input.
I'll make the corrections later on today or tomorrow.
Hello all
I have added on additional jib and as mentioned by Peter Voogt, I have added ropes at end the 3rd spar of the foremast. They are not mentioned in the Mantua plan, but do exist in reality as noticed by Peter (thanks for this input).
These ropes are indeed used in order to rotate the spar horizontally.
Pictures below
