Amerigo Vespucci, OcCre . 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]

It was not a self-propelled barge:) with windows, it became with a balcony and a screw. And what kind of view from the balcony:)
Была не самоходная баржа с окошками, стала с балконом и винтом. А вид какой с балкона:)

It was not a self-propelled barge:) with windows, it became with a balcony and a screw. And what kind of view from the balcony:)
Была не самоходная баржа с окошками, стала с балконом и винтом. А вид какой с балкона:)

View attachment 336555
Good morning. Looking very good. Cheers Grant
Doing work on the Belem AL kit, I know how much work you did on your ship Igor. These class of tall ship need a lot of small work and repetitive painting and waiting seuqence. "Chapeau" good work and painting. Patience is a virtue in this Hobby.
Doing work on the Belem AL kit, I know how much work you did on your ship Igor. These class of tall ship need a lot of small work and repetitive painting and waiting seuqence. "Chapeau" good work and painting. Patience is a virtue in this Hobby.
Thank you for your assessment and suggestions
Happy Birthday for Sunday Igor. Hope you had an enjoyable day.
Thank you for your congratulations! It was a great day, my friends gathered in a comfortable restaurant and congratulated me))
Спасибо за поздравления! День был отличный, собрались мои друзья в комфортном ресторане и поздравляли меня))
Сложно далось данное строение, пять раз переделывал. Поменял клеи и способы строительства. Стеклянную основу сделать не удалось, все грязно и некрасиво, хотя инструкция рекомендовала такой путь. Конечный результат выполнения сперва в деревянной обшивки. Главное капитану придумал красное кресло, захотелось, кто осудит?
It was difficult to give this structure, I redid it five times. Changed adhesives and construction methods. The glass base could not be made, everything is dirty and ugly, although the instructions recommended this way. The end result of the execution is first in the wood paneling. The main thing the captain came up with a red chair, I wanted to, who will condemn?



Процесс продолжается.
Первый и второй малыш на борту, но они самые большие.
С движетелями (винтами), стеклами и реалистичной палубой
Винт моя фантазия.
Да и дверь с трапа, для подобия, как у итальянцев.
Правда у катере поменял окраску, но думаю итальянцы простят
Как считаете, мои доработки оправданы?
У первого катера большевата надстройка, но это так в наборе
The process continues.

The first and second babies are on board, but they are the biggest.

With propellers (screws), glasses and a realistic deck

Screw my fantasy.

Yes, and the door from the ladder, for similarity, like the Italians.

True, the boat has changed its color, but I think the Italians will forgive

Do you think my improvements are justified?

The first boat has a rather large superstructure, but this is so in the set



