If you had not told us about the problem with the paint bleeding into unwanted areas we never would have known. Beautiful recovery job.
Hi Jim, Thanks, I think that modellers are their own worst critics, we are so close to the model during a build, that we see every imperfection, imperfections that nobody else would notice but we magnify their importance in our own minds and aren’t happy unless we do our best to rectify them, I think that’s the nature of our hobbyIf you had not told us about the problem with the paint bleeding into unwanted areas we never would have known. Beautiful recovery job.
Hi Adry, Welcome to my build, good to have you along. Yes the brass sheet came with the kit but it was not as it appeared. It wasn't brass, it was coated steel with a shiny coloured laquer finish. I wasn't going to use it as such but when I started to sand it with very fine grit to give it a key for painting it started to give the appearance of brass which gave me the idea of the type of colour scheme Brass/Mahogany that I would use. If you look at some of the sheathing you'll see a copper colour starting to show through, I had to be very careful with sanding to not go through to this coat. It's usually cold in the UK so the captain keeps his jacket on. When the roof is on you can hardly see any interior detailing so I did it with just the basic needed not to look empty.Hello, following your wonderful construction, I see that you have put some brass frames on the outside of the bridge windows that I assume came with the kit, that's right, right? In the same way as the exterior metal coating of the bows, gunwales and transom.
The level of detail in the bridge is great, I love it, you just need to hang a jacket from the pilot's chair... (it`s only an idea,)
Thank you for sharing.
Hi Jim, Yes I thought of doing it that way. I’m an impatient builder, I didn’t have any available, I didn’t mind the extra work so just went ahead and painted it, I’ve done a fair amount of airbrushing so am confident that I can get the result that I want, I also like the suspense as you peel off the masking and the pleasure of seeing that perfect edge.Great job Ken. I've always used adhesive backed automotive pin stripe on my models for a nice clean line on waterline or funnel stripes. It saves a lot masking and has never come off on my RC ships that see a lot of water. Just an idea.
Good morning Ken. As usual you are creating a wonderful model. I see spring has brought some sunshine to the UK. Now I can see the scale of your “little” tug boatHello again. Thanks for all the likes that I’m getting, I assure you that they are very much appreciated and keep me motivated.
Today’s progress report is only a short one but as you can see in the photos it’s a huge visual step. The funnel and deck structures have now been painted and I’m delighted with the result. I used Tamiya acrylic, a mixture of 2 blues/grey/white, half gloss and half matt, not your usual tug livery but I like it. I’ve also fitted the planked roofs on the aft structures that I’d made earlier. For a size comparison I’ve shown it with my Ajax, a 1:72 frigate 800mm in length. Next will be quite a bit of brass detailing.
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Hi Daniel, No, I just leave it natural, it would be almost impossible to coat all the brass wire and the riveted panels aren’t brass, they just look like brass, some sort of chemical coating.Hello Ken ,do you have some product for anti tarnishing the brass?