Wonderful progress Donnie. Thank you for sharing your work with us!I thought I would try something different and do a video of the Hull Planking so far. I added a little water to enhance the planking to make it stand out more. The ridge that you see towards the deck side is inset a little. More planking will be added to this later.
I bought one of those anvils off eBay they were quite cheap about £4 ianPhil,
I got those Anvils from Harbor Freight a long time ago. Unfortunately, I do not think they sell those anymore. I wish they did as it seems I did not buy enough - they were very inexpensive.
Hallo @CathberBonjour,
Félicitation pour votre travail. J'ai une question.
Pensez vous qu'une fois le kit terminé, il sera possible d'y intégrer des mats, voiles etc... ?
Congratulations for your work. I have a question.
Do you think that once the kit is finished, it will be possible to integrate masts, sails etc...?
Thank you in advance for your answer