Belle Poule 1780 by Donnie

previous editing was due to my Canon HX740 poor images - trying to brighten them up, colors, saturation and the whole thing. Bad focus. Not sure what is wrong with camera, time to get another one.
I thought I would try something different and do a video of the Hull Planking so far. I added a little water to enhance the planking to make it stand out more. The ridge that you see towards the deck side is inset a little. More planking will be added to this later.

I thought I would try something different and do a video of the Hull Planking so far. I added a little water to enhance the planking to make it stand out more. The ridge that you see towards the deck side is inset a little. More planking will be added to this later.

Wonderful progress Donnie. Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Félicitation pour votre travail. J'ai une question.
Pensez vous qu'une fois le kit terminé, il sera possible d'y intégrer des mats, voiles etc... ?

Congratulations for your work. I have a question.
Do you think that once the kit is finished, it will be possible to integrate masts, sails etc...?
Thank you in advance for your answer
I got those Anvils from Harbor Freight a long time ago. Unfortunately, I do not think they sell those anymore. I wish they did as it seems I did not buy enough - they were very inexpensive.
I bought one of those anvils off eBay they were quite cheap about £4 ian
Félicitation pour votre travail. J'ai une question.
Pensez vous qu'une fois le kit terminé, il sera possible d'y intégrer des mats, voiles etc... ?

Congratulations for your work. I have a question.
Do you think that once the kit is finished, it will be possible to integrate masts, sails etc...?
Thank you in advance for your answer
Hallo @Cathber
first of all a warm welcome here on board of our forum.

I am pretty sure, that you can install all the masts and rigging, with the help of Jean Boudriots drawings and monograph

These drawings are available in the planset

14 Masting components
15 Fitting for the masts
16 Square sails for the foremast
17 Square sails for the mainmast
18 Square sails for the mizzenmast
19 Longitudinal sails
20 The ship under full sail at 1:72 scale
21 Belaying plan


IMG_38811.jpg IMG_38821.jpg


IMG_38841.jpg IMG_38851.jpg


and in the monograph you have all dimensions of blocks, and ropes

IMG_38681.jpg IMG_41441.jpg
Sorry for my syntax errors. I use the Google translator.
Thank you for your info. I already have Jean Boudriot's monograph. Do you think that the structure of the kit will be able to support a complete matting of the model ?
In your opinion will there be pb of weight, center of gravity, others, other reasons..... with this complete mature?
Do you also intend to improve the kit?
Best regards
I think this kit can display masting and rigging with no problems. The other concerns such as weight, cog, and others, I am not experienced enough to address these. I do not intend to improve the kit, but rather build the unit out of the box as is. Thank you for your interest and suggestions. I hope I was able to answer your questions.
I also think Uwek addresses these concerns as well.

I am now able to show more progress as two things to mention: I have been very busy with my office work in renovating our Broadcast Studios and then, the Admiral and myself just returned from vacation.

Now, for more images as I am almost ready to complete most of the planking. I rarely ever use wood filler and if careful, there is or should not be any need for it. However, it seems I do have a few areas where I could not escape the unfortunate problems of a few gaps and mishaps.


