Captain's Log ~~~ June 25, 2021
Build time today: 1 hour(s)
Total build time: 219 hours
Construction for the Black Pearl (All-Scenario version)
Build guidelines: We logged twenty hours during the past 6 days, primarily working on sidewall paneling for the inside hull plywood and laying Part #28 on the fore, main and aft decks. Also, applying some stain, touching up with some black acrylic paint and prepping materials for the Captain's Quarters. We experimented with making a few furniture pieces and a spotting scope. Additionally, we ordered some fiber optics to see if there is any way we can expand on some ideas and incentive that Jodie
@MystRacing has supplied this Captain.
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I worked off aligning the first deck plank through the center of each of the three mast holes and laid planks alternating side to side. Here, the first 7 planks Part #28 are down.
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Actually, being new to this type of work, I was pleased with how well the planks were laying down. I had to modify a bit where the rear deck of the Captain's Quarters met the main deck. I imagine I was a mm or so off because of my earlier mistake of laying the deck to the Captain's Quarters and the alignment was a bit off...I sanded a bit and filled in with some saw dust and Titebond....figuring the stain would cover up most of my errors here.
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Here we are with some light sanding and final prep to apply the Minwax Golden Oak stain.
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This pic was taken after staining but with poor lighting. The orange tint is not correct as you will see the more natural look in later pictures.
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Now, under indoor lighting, this is a more accurate look of the deck. Here, Part #29 was cut to form three pieces to finish off part of the fore deck side are where the railing will be mounted later. I used my heat gun to bend the two side planks to approximate the curve of the bow. This completed Steps 142-144.
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Step #145 was to attach planks #28 to the inside hull plywood. I stained these planks Ebony to contrast the Golden Oak deck. Also, I laid a border deck plank in Ebony for two reasons. 1) Throws off a strong contrast against the Golden Oak for cosmetics and also 2) to cover up a few areas of the deck where I filed a bit too much of the deck to fit it against the bulkheads. Step #146 and #145 should be in reverse order. Parts N1-N13 are to be glued in on each side to strengthen the sidewall panels like in the gun deck below. These parts are what is then paneled in Step 145 with #28 planks.
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Here's a cleaner look down the main deck.
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Just a rough visual from the Starboard open side view. Which leads us into next weeks voyage. We will start with Steps #157-162 which is the main entrance panel (doors and windows) into the Captains's Quarters. I spent several hours this past week to design a few pieces of furniture for the Captain's Quarters. The original kit was limited to 1 round table, 1 chair, and 1 tall locker. I designed a trundle type bed as suggested by Vic
@Vfordyce. I couldn't imagine a Captain's Quarters without a bed, considering their Pirate exploits. Also, I imagine there should be a bigger table for the Captain, Quartermaster, 1st Officer, Cook and other key mates to meet and confer in private to discuss strategy in all their drunken rum splendor. So, I designed a larger table with picnic benches...Also, made a spotting scope....painted the tall locker but designed a full armoire too. Found an image that I could use as carpets depicting a sailing ship amidst the islands. I'll place the bigger one under the large table....and the smaller one inside the door entrance.
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@MystRacing mentioned an idea for fiber optics, possible placing candles on the table etc...I spent $20 for various colors of fiber with 4 illuminators and a few switches....see below.
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These illuminators are pretty nifty. The ones I purchased have a white LED pre wired and the light gets transmitted through the fiber and shows up to whatever color you have selected. I have .75mm fibers and up to 15 will work with each illuminator. I really had no experience to what size I would need to do a candle for instance. So, not sure what else I can use them for but will be put to use somewhere and place in time.
Any ideas welcome!
So concludes another week. We have now completed the first three months of the Black Pearl's construction. 219 hours, about 75% of the 1st pole completed and a little more than 9 (24) hour days of work. Not sure this means anything, is good or bad in regard to time....its just a marker for me.
I think its time for some rum as we are all off for weekend shore leave!
Be safe mates and until the next Captain's Log....signing off for now. Hopefully, we can get out another edition of Pirates Lore, Myths and Legends this week.
Ahoy all,