Bluenose 1:100 by Amati

Final sand and alcohol wipe completed. Tested the polyurethane on a sample board. I am ready to proceed with sealing the hull.
I am told that four (4) coats will be adequate and not sand between since this is a self-leveling poly.
I am working to match the colors in the photographs "Peter Voogt" Bluenose build. My red will not be transparent since I have
nothing to show. The white plastic inset he used; I will try to duplicate in flat white paint.



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First application of Polyurethane to test plaque and then the Amati.
Seems to apply nicely. Letting the Amati dry for 2 hours and then will post pictures before the next coats.
Hull Ready to paint! Using my laser level, I determined the waterline per the print. (video to follow)
I masked off the waterline and above with Tamiya tape and then Green Tape. I will be airbrushing the Carmine Red to the
bottom of the hull. Then after a day or two drying, I will reverse the masking and do the top half of hull Black/Prussian Blue mixture.
I hope to match the "Indigo" color sample. The white strip will be automotive stripping tape at 3- or 4-mm thickness (TBD).
During the couple days of drying, plan to start the deck furniture and masts.





Well, the final coat of red paint has been applied and is drying in the warm oven. Next will be the Indigo (Black / Prussian Blue Mix).
I am starting the deck furniture and masts. Planning my sanding method for the masts and yard arms.



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Trying to find 1mm flat white accent stripping. Any suggestions.
I found this. Can't find 1mm but the smallest I can find seems to be 1/16th'' Not sure if that would work or not.
