Bluenose 1:100 by Amati

PROBLEM: The graphic directions indicate that the gunwales should match evenly along the outside if the bulwarks. While testing fitting, I can not make this occur without crossing the bow points. That would indicate to me, that I will have to cut off the bow section of the gunwales to fit properly. Or. I have to take a section out the gunwales and pull back the bow to match up. I am concerned the holes would be misaligned for the shrouds!
Advice / recommendations?

IMG_7757 (1).jpg



The holes you refer to are for belaying pins, not the shrouds.
Your best bet might be trimming the bullwarks, maybe after confirming the required shape with a dummy rail.
After making adjustments to match the contour of the hull, the gunwales are assembled, painted and test fitted in place.
Before gluing it in place some touch white paint required on the bulwark walls.
After gluing the gunwale in place, a coat (or 2) of matte polyurethane to seal surfaces. The rudder is painted and ready for the
copper straps to be fitted.



Well, it has been a "HOT" summer so far in southern Ohio! The Amati Bluenose 1:100 is coming together slowly since my workshop is in my garage. I have to work early mornings, or late evenings when the temperature and humidity are tolerable. My fans try hard, but a/c would be better.
I have completed the painting and finally glues the Gunwale to the bulwark. Next, I drilled the holes in the bulwarks for the chocks and eyebolts.
I have constructed the skylight for painting.
Beginning the assembly of the "very small" eyebolts.... tough for fat fingers like mine.
