Applying that gaff is quite a balancing act, Dean. All with just 2 hands?
I was wondering about the 2 back-stays running right past on both sides of the gaff and main boom. When the gaff and main boom with sail turns outside, are those stays set looser?
But in The Saga on pag.32, where they also runs close beside, Jenson has written by the Port BackStay:
Port Backstays shown secured at Port quarter as it would be with Topsails sat. Otherwise it is secured at the Port Shrouds.
So, for me a compleet new look to all this lines on the BN. It is a complicated rigging with a lot of different position of them. And on the model you have to make a choice. Just like your with the gaff up. It gives the model much more body. Wel done!
regards, Peter