Bluenose - YuanQuing (1:72)

Oh my gosh if I never glue another frame together I will live the rest of my life in bliss. At least until I get the bug to build another POF. But I did it. I managed to get to the end. Now I can flip the hull over and start working on the rest. This took way longer than I ever imagined but I’m pleased with the results of course the delay was all my fault.

View attachment 385930
Much nicer than mine. I tore mine apart twice and still didn't get these results.
Best regards
As much as I would like to finish the build I’ve been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and even when I started I had fairly severe tremors. I finally went to the doctor when simple tasks were becoming difficult.

Unfortunately the medication reduces them but it’s not enough to do this type of activity.
That's too bad, Rodney, for more than one reason...
I hope the medication reduces your tremors sufficiently to at least perform normal daily routines.

(Some patients find some relief with cannabis therapy: