Hello Don, I'm happy to see you start your build log.
Heinrich is giving you some good advice so I won't intervene after this
In your pictures I see some of your pins are correctly placed and others are not. Let's have a look at #8 the one you were first working on. If you look at the diagram starting at the top left side of the frame, follow the line down to the bottom. You will now see at the bottom there are three lines the one you are following, representing the edge of your frame piece, and two other lines.
So the middle line is the line you need to line your pieces up to, the inside line is representing the laser etched bevelling line. the other line, the outside line, is the outer edge of the back piece. If you look at the "back" piece diagram, at the top of the "back piece" you will notice a slight overhang where it sits on top of the front piece, this overhang is also shown on the front view. So when you glue the front and back sections together they will not line up but there will be slight overhangs both on the outside and the inside that will need to be bevelled smooth.
If you feel you must use pins, clamps are so much better, try placing the piece on top of the diagram first then place your pins around it.
I hope I did not confuse you with all of this, I will now sit back and watch you do your magic!!