No worries about gratings, will attack them later.
Continue with skylight assembly. Since they are tiny, i decided to mount them on the piece of tape so it is easier to hold. Then glue them while on the tape..
Then to simulate hinges, i cut the small pieces of electrical tape and put them on, following with a layer of varnish to seal the tapes..
During work on skylight i noticed that companionway roof appears to be a bit out of scale.. Removed it, sanded it, added extra support in the middle and installed a new roof..
Now it its time to drill a holes for a pedestal in case i decide not to use a cradle... Two pilot holes are drilled.
Horseshoe were attacked next.
First a bath in blackened solution, rinse and dry...
Then glue to the ship..
The holes thru horseshoe are drilled to match the diameter of kit provided wire (0.5mm) i will use to simulate nails..
I rounded one end of the nail with a milling bit..
and the nail looks like this:
Sorry, not quite focused picture..
And mounted on the ship:
During this process i lost few nails (flew somewhere), but making extras is always a good thing.
Happy modelling.