Brigantine Phoenix, by Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]

A little bit of progress ...

I decided to replace kit provided planks at the stern, just below the black painted area, with a home made from the spare pieces.. This is an idea from the instructional video...

I have to reshape the rudder hole as well since i have replaced this part... and opening was not there...

Hull has been scraped and lightly sanded..

Few more parts glued and secured...

Happy modelling.
Thanks, with all these covid thingy my actual work has been affected and was forced to look for other engagements; fortunately was able to quickly secure another position and now i can go back to ship building... will start working on it shortly...
That is great to hear. For the last month or so I have been wondering what has happened to the build as I am watching your build closely. I see that Master Korabel offers "upgraded" stern decorations and windows as well.
OK, so we are back... now i need to pick up where i left it some months ago...

The new stern was build tracing the original part and adding some extra millimetres that will be sanded down after. The process consisted of several short sanding stroke, measure, test, sanding again, measure, fit.... The part was glued and left overnight to completely dry.. Some shaping and sanding will be done next.


Then the last plank on the keel was installed...


While these parts are drying i start working on the main deck. The main deck planking is done with laser cut part, out of one piece, very precise and neat.


Not sure if because of some months in the open box, but the deck was getting out of shape (like myself with limited amount of outdoor activities due to corona)...


I tested with dry fitting and all was looking OK. Applied a glue on the whole deck and put so called false deck on the ship.. during fitting process some parts started to dry and deck starts to twist. Not sure if this is related to water in the glue or something else but the end results have some parts (where two planks are connected together) sticking out and creating kind of rotated V shape...


So tons of rubber and spare wood pieces are called in to assist pushing those areas down to the deck and help gluing them properly.


Then i realized in this case the bulwark edges can be in danger of getting chipped off so i removed rubber bands and put a layer of protection on the bulwark' edges.

Today i will continue working on the deck and correcting those "V" issues. Not sure what woudl be the correct procedure to avoid this type of thing; maybe mounting a deck before all bulwarks are in place to allow you to squize the whole deck with one big piece of wood, or some other way of installing it... We will see the results.

Happy modelling..
If the deck is not glued just yet, you can remove it and slightly trim the edges where it is pushing against the bulwarks. This should release the tension and the planks should lay flat.

It is glued already; i will find some way to lay it flat.
It was fitting perfectly well when i did a dry test, so well i had hard time taking it of the deck :-)

The planking looks good. As far as the deck goes - wood is so heavily affected by moisture and humidity that it was probably best to keep it wrapped in plastic foil - but that is all hindsight. Watching with interest.
The planking looks good. As far as the deck goes - wood is so heavily affected by moisture and humidity that it was probably best to keep it wrapped in plastic foil - but that is all hindsight. Watching with interest.

Yes, must keep it as lesson learned...
Shhhh, don't tell my boss, this work from home thingy is not that bad after all... I have setup my work (office) desk just on the opposite wall from my hobby desk and one chair is used for both desks. Now when i have some spare time, i just turn my chair around and voila...

A small corrective surgery had to be performed to correct the issue with the deck. This is one of the challenges i needed to fix. Was able to redo most of the affected deck areas by lifting it and gluing it back. For some i had to do combination of a different techniques to thin the wood and correct it. Very happy that deck itself is made from thicker wood so there are plenty of wood to work with...



Re-gluing was applied to certain parts and there were left to dry..




IMG_0314 2.jpeg


Starboard side completed; need to do a bit more sanding and to clean it up in prep for layer of protection...


Today will work on port side..

Happy modelling..
Work continues assembling doors... Cut, sand, glue....




Holes were drilled thru and two pieces of wire inserted, cut and shaped to represent knobs...




And planking on inner bulwark area was next.... test fitting few times, just in case ....


Happy modelling...