Hope all have had a wonderful holiday season so far. Have been doing a lot of sanding and fiddling on this kit over the holidays and have completed the construction and installation of all the ribs for the hull. Have provided a couple of photos to show progress. My use of screws to temporarily connect the upper and lower sections of the hull seems to be working ok so far. Time will tell. I had a few issues, particularly with the sternmost ribs, where I didn't pay enough attention to the alignment of the rib parts with the plans for each rib. I thought I had but when I encountered a fit problem during installation, more often than not my rib did not precisely match the plan. Lesson learned-pay very close attention to each rib plan.
The overall look:

Bow and stern:

As shown in post #29, when you start part II, the first thing you do is cut away the upper deck of the framing jig at the bow and stern, in preparation for installing the "temporary" strengthening strip. This is what you get:

I then had the idea to use the bow part of the framing jig that is removed during the construction of the jig for shaping the strengthening strip. Soaked the 2x5 strips provided in the kit for about 20 min in hot water and then clamped them to the discarded jig part with the below result. 2x5 is pretty stout so soaking more than less is a good idea:

I then took some time off from wood work to build the oven which is provided as a separate kit in the box. This was a lot of fun to build and play with and the kit is very well created by CAF. I am not going to attach the chimney section to the oven part until installation in case I encounter some alignment issues. Playing it safe. Here is how my oven turned out:

Have painted all the brass sections flat black and will continue to work the shading on the oven. It was a fun little project and a nice break from woodwork.
Then, prior to installing the strengthening strip (have to screw up the courage to do that), started the next step of construction of a series of 4 ingenious templates that CAF provides. The pieces provided go together very well and I am anxious to see how they work during the next phase of construction:

Next step for me is installing the strengthening strips that I have already formed. Am still scratching my head regarding best way to attach just in case it does have to be removed later, which I think is likely. May just use small amount of water soluble glue, just enough to hold.
Happy to consider any ideas that you all might have.
So far, this has been a very enjoyable kit to build, most of the head scratching/remedial sanding has been the result of my own mistakes but the quality of materials provided makes it possible to make adjustments fairly easily. I did find the stern framing to be quite challenging, aft of about frame 45, as this is my first real plank on frame full hull kit.
Happy New Year to all.