Have been plugging along on the Granado build. It really is enjoyable to build. Focus of effort is now in the stern where you put down some decking and then build a series of small compartments/bulkheads/ladder. Lots of small pieces but the quality of the materials is high so things go pretty smoothly. It is here in the stern where I saw the most impact from my alignment issue described in earlier posts. I have studied the plans quite closely and tried to determine where the impacts will be greatest down the road and think I have it sorted OK for now. Was very concerned about mast location but think it will just fit with what I have built so far. Time, and the receipt of Part 3 when it gets released, will definitely tell.
The below photos are a first look at the stern with the initial piece of decking down, one athwartships bulkhead in, and two overhead beams in place. Four more of those overhead beams get installed later, moving aft, and their elevation and fore/aft spacing is critical. My first real challenge given overall alignment issues. Also, those overhead beams are the first pieces installed that will lift off with the upper part of the hull. Got to be careful with the glue!!

The below photo is an overhead of the stern area, showing the build out of more decking and some compartments. The kit provides a whole slew of templates to assist here, but my alignment adjustments really call for customization so most of the templates were of little use for me.

Below are some additional photos showing how it builds out.

Still have some touch up sanding and tweaking to do but am overall happy with the result. Again, the overhead beams will/should lift away when the hull gets split. Fingers crossed.
At this point, you move back toward the bow to start installing the large athwartships beams over the ammo storage locker. I assume these become the foundation for the mortars. The quality of these beams in the kit is very good, CNC machined so no char removal, just lots of saw dust. These large beams will not be lifting out with the split of the hull as best as I can tell. The first two are dry fit in the photo below.

6 beams get installed over each ammo locker and then the remaining athwartships beams and some fore/aft connector pieces get installed in that aft framework. Nearing the end of Part 2 of this kit. Will be anxiously awaiting the release of Part 3.