All, have discovered that I have a problem with my build, fairly significant, have emailed Tom to see how much trouble I am in. In a nutshell, my athwartship rib sets and the corresponding mortar round racks are more than 1cm further aft than they should be. Not possible to remove and relocate at this point without extensive kit damage. Wanted to get this out to other Granado builders before they got into the same predicament. Have tried to do some forensic analysis to determine what I got wrong, here is what I found:
First, this issue came to my attention as I started to fit the template for the lower level bow decking into the kit

You can see in the above photo that my template is too short for the space that exists. The kit provides extra planking to make this deck section so this is not a big issue. Why I have too much space is the issue.
The piece that I think is at issue is 3B-B1 which is the lower thick plank that is installed to firm up the ribs.
3B-B1 goes from the stem aft, and is roughly 120mm long as it comes out of the provided sheet. When that piece is installed, the butt lands on frame 11, that is where my piece fit. I made the assumption (with all the bad things that entails) that the next piece of thick plank that is installed, 3A-B2, butts up to the end of 3B-B1. I did not check that on the plans before I proceeded, my mistake. You can see in the below picture how it should go and how mine went.

In the above photo, I have circled the joint in question. In hindsight, I should have shortened 3B-B1 before installing so that the butt landed on frame #10. The next plank piece moving aft, 3A-B2, has all the notches that define where the athwartships ribs and, thus, the mortar round racks, are located. Not having the third section of the kit in hand yet (estimated March release) I can't tell how bad this will get. Hope to get some insight from Tom shortly. In any event, will do what ship modelers do which is adapt and overcome.
Cheers and better luck to you other builders.