I took a break from Esmeralda to work on Le Rochefort framing. But got stalled waiting for some milling bits to arrive so I‘ve been working on the Esmeralda’s rigging. Without a doubt OcCre’s rigging diagrams are lacking. So I’ve been relying on pictures of the Santa Eulalia (the basis for this OcCre model) and Petersson’s book “Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft” but it’s been slow going as I interpret the pictures and drawings. Anyway, I’ve made some executive decisions on how best to complete the standing rigging. For the purists and knowledgable riggers please forgive my errors. I’m learning as I go and have taken the opportunity to try different methods on this model. think of it as a sample board of various techniques and approaches.
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I’ll be rigging the bowsprit next and then figuring out best way to rig the forestays and backstays. The OcCre plans completely ignore the backstays and have no information on how best to attach the forestays… Oh well, I’m learning lots of new terminology and methods… Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!