Cazador Xebec - OcCre 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Getting close to finishing the cat davits for the anchors...have to drill holes for pulleys and add additional pulley arm. It’s not deep enough for the pulleys they provided, so as usual some modifications will be in order! Then I can add pulleys and clear coat everything. Will also go ahead and put on any cleats and eyelets needed for rigging in the bow area.
The foremast carling worked out nice. I test fit with foremast as it has to be sanded to match dia and angle inside. I also had to notch the railing at the bow for those to attach because of the steep angles on the railing.
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Working on foremast carling...I do everything by hand at this scale. Vice and a hand saw works fine for miter cuts on larger hard wood pieces. Anything smaller I do with an xacto knife and files.
Full scale wood working is another story! When I make cabinets or other stuff, I always use power tools for precision. I may eventually resort to that at this smaller scale. But for now I’m enjoying doing it all without power tools.

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I am not surprised to see you say that you are a cabinet maker, and I'll bet that the cabinetry and tool box on your bench are examples of that. Transfer of knowledge and skills between the larger joinery and smaller joinery for builds is something that most of us do not have to pull out of our toolboxes. Love to watch your work. Rich (PT-2)
I am not surprised to see you say that you are a cabinet maker, and I'll bet that the cabinetry and tool box on your bench are examples of that. Transfer of knowledge and skills between the larger joinery and smaller joinery for builds is something that most of us do not have to pull out of our toolboxes. Love to watch your work. Rich (PT-2)
Thank you Rich. Wood working is a hobby of mine.
Ok finished with the foremast carling and cat davits finally. Added all the cleats in that area.
More work than I anticipated. But that seems to be the norm. Anyway moving on the mid mast area next.
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Those functioning sheaves in the catheads make the build continue its voyage toward open seas. As usual . . . very well done as I know that you enjoy the tasks and outcome. Rich (PT-2)
Tonight’s objective seemed simple enough. Build the bell tower or belfry and add the cleats to it and at the main mast area. Later I will add all of the eyelets.
They give you a casting for the top, and tell you to use square wood stock for the uprights. Really bland, so I added some carving just to help the uprights. But I couldn’t get too deep because I have to put a cleat on each side.
The bell just had a hole in it. So I glued an eyelet in it and added glue to the end of the eyelet at the bottom inside the bell. The ball of glue simulates a ringer very well. Then I just used a ring to join it all together. I suppose a rope would have been needed. But I didn’t add one at this time.
Then I had to take her to the sea of carpet to test the new equipment. Men are getting tired of rowing and ask me when we are getting sails. ;)
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Tonight’s objective seemed simple enough. Build the bell tower or belfry and add the cleats to it and at the main mast area. Later I will add all of the eyelets.
They give you a casting for the top, and tell you to use square wood stock for the uprights. Really bland, so I added some carving just to help the uprights. But I couldn’t get too deep because I have to put a cleat on each side.
The bell just had a hole in it. So I glued an eyelet in it and added glue to the end of the eyelet at the bottom inside the bell. The ball of glue simulates a ringer very well. Then I just used a ring to join it all together. I suppose a rope would have been needed. But I didn’t add one at this time.
Then I had to take her to the sea of carpet to test the new equipment. Men are getting tired of rowing and ask me when we are getting sails. ;)View attachment 194906View attachment 194907View attachment 194908View attachment 194909View attachment 194910View attachment 194911
The addition of the detail carving and panelization of the posts keeps it in harmony with the rest of your detailing. Nicely done. Rich (PT-2)
Tonight’s objective seemed simple enough. Build the bell tower or belfry and add the cleats to it and at the main mast area. Later I will add all of the eyelets.
They give you a casting for the top, and tell you to use square wood stock for the uprights. Really bland, so I added some carving just to help the uprights. But I couldn’t get too deep because I have to put a cleat on each side.
The bell just had a hole in it. So I glued an eyelet in it and added glue to the end of the eyelet at the bottom inside the bell. The ball of glue simulates a ringer very well. Then I just used a ring to join it all together. I suppose a rope would have been needed. But I didn’t add one at this time.
Then I had to take her to the sea of carpet to test the new equipment. Men are getting tired of rowing and ask me when we are getting sails. ;)View attachment 194906View attachment 194907View attachment 194908View attachment 194909View attachment 194910View attachment 194911
Fancy! Thumbsup
Ok I started one of the cannon carriages to see how much work it’s going to be to scratch build!
I have about 26 pieces on
Oh and don’t forget the tiny trunnion caps that I had to bend out of a brass strip!
Here are some assembly and then comparison pics next to ugly casting they gave me! Their casting is too wide and too thin. Once I stain and add nail heads, eye bolts, etc. mine will look so much better! Just have 19 more to go after this!!!
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Nice work Dean, clean build and great joinery, hoping you are going to do a review/box opening of your San Felipe soon?
Thank you...I have spent all my time on this since I got the kit. But I will definitely review prior to doing a build log on the San Felipe. Looking forward to that one with all the spiral stairs and nice detail!
It does have a ton of great eye catchers... I love all the railings and deck furniture and fittings. I’m gonna have to get me one of those kits.... I would love to spruce it up with some nice woods....
Ok I started one of the cannon carriages to see how much work it’s going to be to scratch build!
I have about 26 pieces on
Oh and don’t forget the tiny trunnion caps that I had to bend out of a brass strip!
Here are some assembly and then comparison pics next to ugly casting they gave me! Their casting is too wide and too thin. Once I stain and add nail heads, eye bolts, etc. mine will look so much better! Just have 19 more to go after this!!!
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From my references to carriages for the various guns, and visually, I think that the side pieces of the unstained carriage are a bit too thick but not proportionally as narrow as those of the stained smaller carriage, this is assuming a 32 pounder. Carronades firing up to 40 pound balls would have the thicker carriage for the more massive recoil but those are probably not on this ship and when carried typically were very few due to their weight; also demanding a larger gun crew if we accept the guideline of 500 pounds per crewman using their crows to position/align the sighting. From what I have read, a 32 pounder would have a guncrew at the carriage around five per side and most six.
Anyway, your skill and eye for proportion to the ship will dictate how you compete that armament. Nice work as always. RIch (PT-2_