The main sail, at least upper part, since I will make bonnet so the bottom part is still to be done, is ready for adding Christopher' flag on it..

Sail reef lines are done out of 1mm tan rope, glued to the sail with D3 glue and around clew areas, a bit of CA was used to speed up the process and to make the rope sticking more securely to the sail. The hot gun was also used to speed up drying of D3 glue around reef lines.

The buoy is also completed, now need to figure out find the way how to attach it to the model..

Happy modelling..

Sail reef lines are done out of 1mm tan rope, glued to the sail with D3 glue and around clew areas, a bit of CA was used to speed up the process and to make the rope sticking more securely to the sail. The hot gun was also used to speed up drying of D3 glue around reef lines.

The buoy is also completed, now need to figure out find the way how to attach it to the model..

Happy modelling..