Half-an-hour-ish, and I've Fixed the pin-rail model to have the proper angle back-side, and set it to printing.
Five hours and some change later it came out perfectly. See the angle? Well there it is siting somewhere near where it will live.
While that was printing I started making the midships pin-rail; the one closest in this screen capture.
In this picture from the 1890's, I originally thought there was a caval at the aft end, but it actually appears to be a pair of meat tenderizers.
This wasn't going to fit in the printer, even at an angle, so I made each side in two parts, and angled them (not to fit, but make them more likely to print properly)
As I type here, this one is on the printer with about 4 hours to go
Keeping with that workflow I should be making the forward pin-rails while the others print, but it's almost 3am, so, later...