Nedostal som preloženú verziu, ale viem, že ste sa verne držali existujúcej lode. vyzerá skvele!
Teším sa, že zvyšok budem s radosťou sledovať.
No, pravda je, že výrobca stavebnice fy Artesania Latina sa drží skutočnej repliky, je evidentné, že spolupracoval s austrálskym múzeom...sú tam určité rozdiely práve vo farebnom prevedení niektorých dielov (napr. žlté porty otočných kanónov), umiestnenie a farebné prevedenie podest lanových napinákov, a ja nie som priaznivcom náterov trupu bielou farbou.
Najviac som hrdý na "WC" na prove :D, tie v návode stavebnice nie sú, to som prevzal z videí repliky :cool:
Skús google translator - jazyk Slovak
Páči sa mi šikovné využitie upravených sponiek na reťaze.Palec hore
Nie je to práve originálne, ale dostal som takéto vnuknutie v snahe ušetriť si čas, nervy a prsty pri ohýbaní drôtu, pričom mi je zrejmé, že pri precíznej práci a trpezlivosti by tie napináky z drôtu vyzerali lepšie...
Somehow, once I get all this translated, I will be adequately able to appreciate your responses. The smiley faces bode well. It has been a pleasure and aprivilage to follow along with your build log. It has been quite an education. Your finished model is spectacular! Okay :D

No, pravda je, že výrobca stavebnice fy Artesania Latina sa drží skutočnej repliky, je evidentné, že spolupracoval s austrálskym múzeom...sú tam určité rozdiely práve vo farebnom prevedení niektorých dielov (napr. žlté porty otočných kanónov), umiestnenie a farebné prevedenie podest lanových napinákov, a ja nie som priaznivcom náterov trupu bielou farbou.
Najviac som hrdý na "WC" na prove :D, tie v návode stavebnice nie sú, to som prevzal z videí repliky :cool:
Skús google translator - jazyk Slovak
Well, the truth is that the manufacturer of the kit, Artesania Latina, is sticking to the real replica, it's obvious that he worked with the Australian museum... there are some differences in the color of some parts (eg the yellow ports of the swivel guns), the placement and the color a deck of rope tensioners, and I'm not a fan of painting the hull white.
I am most proud of the "WC" on the bow :D, they are not in the instructions of the kit, I took that from the videos of the replicas :cool:
Nie je to práve originálne, ale dostal som takéto vnuknutie v snahe ušetriť si čas, nervy a prsty pri ohýbaní drôtu, pričom mi je zrejmé, že pri precíznej práci a trpezlivosti by tie napináky z drôtu vyzerali lepšie...
It's not exactly original, but I got this idea in an effort to save time, nerves and fingers bending the wire, while it is obvious to me that with precision work and patience, those wire turnbuckles would look better...
Well, the truth is that the manufacturer of the kit, Artesania Latina, is sticking to the real replica, it's obvious that he worked with the Australian museum... there are some differences in the color of some parts (eg the yellow ports of the swivel guns), the placement and the color a deck of rope tensioners, and I'm not a fan of painting the hull white.
I am most proud of the "WC" on the bow :D, they are not in the instructions of the kit, I took that from the videos of the replicas :cool:
OOOH! Gorgeous! I do like the final finish. I trust the one with the white hull bottom is not yours, a little confusing. Either way, I greatly admire the look of your naturally finished hull planking. Just Beautiful. And stellar workmanship. Congratulations! Okay :D
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OOOH! Gorgeous! I do like the final finish. I trust the one with the white hull bottom is not yours, a little confusing. Either way, I greatly admire the look of your naturally finished hull planking. Just Beautiful. And stellar workmanship. Congratulations! Okay :D
That photo with the white hull is copied from the Artesania Latina manual for comparison with my rendering.
Thank you for the words of appreciation, Ján J.
I like your choice to leave the bottom a warm natural finish. The planking pattern is too attractive to cover up.