Good morning Johnny. What a beautiful model. You have some fiddly tight rigging work coming up when those yards go on. Enjoy. Cheers Grant
Hi Grant,
thank you for the words of appreciation. I was pleased.
Yes, I've reached the most challenging stage of the build, but I'm probably not going to enjoy it :).
Sorry, but I'm writing to you via google translator...
Táto loď sa mi veľmi páči a sám sa snažím prísť na to, ktorá Endeavour je lepšia - Artesania Latina alebo OCCRE.
Stavebnice AL a Occre majú takmer identické plány, konštrukciu trupu a takeláž. Vybral som si model AL, pretože je dizajnovo a FAREBNE takmer 100% zhodný so skutočnou, múzejnou a funkčnou replikou lode Endeavour v „životnej veľkosti“ v Austrálskom národnom námornom múzeu.
s pozdravom Ján J.
Stavebnice AL a Occre majú takmer identické plány, konštrukciu trupu a takeláž. Vybral som si model AL, pretože je dizajnovo a FAREBNE takmer 100% zhodný so skutočnou, múzejnou a funkčnou replikou lode Endeavour v „životnej veľkosti“ v Austrálskom národnom námornom múzeu.
s pozdravom Ján J.
The AL and Occre kits have almost identical plans, hull construction and rigging. I chose the AL model because it is almost 100% identical in design and COLOR to the actual, museum and working 'life size' replica of the Endeavor in the Australian National Maritime Museum.
Sincerely, Ján J.
I really like this ship and I'm trying to figure out for myself which Endeavor is better - Artesania Latina or OCCRE.
The AL and Occre kits have almost identical plans, hull construction and rigging. I chose the AL model because it is almost 100% identical in design and COLOR to the actual, museum and working 'life size' replica of the Endeavor in the Australian National Maritime Museum.
Sincerely, Ján J.
I really like this ship and I'm trying to figure out for myself which Endeavor is better - Artesania Latina or OCCRE.
The most obvious difference is the colour scheme, but that of course is not obligatory. Personally I do not like the abundant use of red paint on the AL kit. But this is indeed consistent with the Freemantle replica of Endeavour like @Johny - BA has already remarked. For me it demands too much attention and besides takes away from the 'wood feel'. On my own Occre model I have chosen to only use red on the inside of the bullwarks, while according to the Occre instructions red is not used at all.
The greatest omission of the Occre kit is it only has one by-boat. The AL kit has two, which is only slightly better because In reality there were at least five! The AL kit has four anchors opposed to two for the Occre kit.
I chose for the Occre kit because I reckoned it showed better detail and a more natural, convincing look. Of course much depends on one's personal choices in the execution of the build.
The most obvious difference is the colour scheme, but that of course is not obligatory. Personally I do not like the abundant use of red paint on the AL kit. But this is indeed consistent with the Freemantle replica of Endeavour like @Johny - BA has already remarked. For me it demands too much attention and besides takes away from the 'wood feel'. On my own Occre model I have chosen to only use red on the inside of the bullwarks, while according to the Occre instructions red is not used at all.
The greatest omission of the Occre kit is it only has one by-boat. The AL kit has two, which is only slightly better because In reality there were at least five! The AL kit has four anchors opposed to two for the Occre kit.
I chose for the Occre kit because I reckoned it showed better detail and a more natural, convincing look. Of course much depends on one's personal choices in the execution of the build.
Hi Mike
I agree, I also like the Occre deck treatment in natural wood better. The question remains open as to how faithful the replica of the Australian Museum is compared to the real ship. I was counting on that and therefore accepted the red deck design as well. Because apart from the preserved famous HMS Victory, there is probably no other model kit based on the historical accuracy of the real ship.
And I confess that I blame Occre for the appearance of the stern...
Hi Mike
I agree, I also like the Occre deck treatment in natural wood better. The question remains open as to how faithful the replica of the Australian Museum is compared to the real ship. I was counting on that and therefore accepted the red deck design as well. Because apart from the preserved famous HMS Victory, there is probably no other model kit based on the historical accuracy of the real ship.
And I confess that I blame Occre for the appearance of the stern...
Yes of course, the stern, I forgot about that! This is a serious flaw in the Occre design.