"Flying Cloud " by Mamoli - kit bash

Good morning, Pete! The bathroom's been done since July 8. Challenging summer. And now the semester begins. Planning to do some posting this week :p

Your build displays a wonderful audacity - I so happy you persevered! Inspiring!

Good morning Chuck. That is good news- look forward to seeing some more of your Harriet Lane. Cheers Grant
Good morning, Pete! The bathroom's been done since July 8. Challenging summer. And now the semester begins. Planning to do some posting this week :p

Your build displays a wonderful audacity - I so happy you persevered! Inspiring!
Thanks for the appreciation! I've never tried that painting approach (let alone even thought of it. Very clever!) Thanks for the tip. For now, I'll stick with the sky reflection in daylight. (Should anyone ask. No one ever has.) This job is tediously slow as it is. There are some aspects where easy is as far as I want to go. ;)Mostly none of it is easy.:rolleyes:
Remember, this stuff is tiny.
Itty bitty at 1/96. I feel your pain....my portico for Staghound is only 1" square. You're doing a great job...keep it up. I chose black for my window treatments...its daylight outside and its dark in the inner spaces. Your color choice is happy and reflective....as you put it.

Itty bitty at 1/96. I feel your pain....my portico for Staghound is only 1" square. You're doing a great job...keep it up. I chose black for my window treatments...its daylight outside and its dark in the inner spaces. Your color choice is happy and reflective....as you put it.

Thanks, Rob. The close-up photos really emphasize every flaw and distort the scale. I did some more work today. I used tiny styrene strip to mold the inside of the frames. Step back a little and the effect is pretty good. Got the starboard side done. I'll post photos as soon as they upload. I email myself the pics. and the G-mail server is slow as snake-s**t of late:mad:.
Looking smart Peter....really coming along.

Thanks, Rob!
I finished the Main deck house today as far as doors, windows and gothic frame and panel appliques. I'll post the photolog as soon as my constipated G-mail server decides to pass the pictures along to my Yahoo email on my desktop. As far as techno-literacy goes I am a veeeery slow study. No sooner than I get a handle on one method that works for me, than the gremlins get on board and gum up the works.:mad: So when I finally get the whole days uploads, I'll sort out the process and post the log.:rolleyes:
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