french 64-gunner LE FLEURON in scale 1:48 by Joachim

Who will come to the modelship meeting in Augsburg near Munich? I do
Hallo Joachim,
some time ago I made a post listing our members from SOS, which will participate or plan to participate in Augsburg

As I know from the list of participants there will be the following members from SOS:

@Olivers Historic Shipyard
@Ivan Trtanj

all together 9 members, but maybe some more .....
The front cargo space is ready, now I continue to build the gold at the rear. First a bulkhead is built again. Then I build the rear well shaft: This has lattice windows on each side at the bottom and doors on the upper floor that can also swing open. For this I had turned 2mm brass hinges. The thinner end picks up the door hinge, the thicker one pierces and picks up a thin brass rod for wall mounting.C3999C68-4C9D-4E44-9D60-91C4530C84F6.jpegE9556B4E-24BD-4C7B-B7AB-FAB5C55B27E3.jpeg3498F46E-F597-48BD-A102-9109CE31CE74.jpegB15207AC-8EEE-40AD-8123-E84E6BEFF527.jpeg8433496C-2542-47C7-91E6-A22E235DD8C9.jpegC111AD6E-54F6-4A6A-833D-A58785B60E33.jpegC9A1F409-58D6-4BD6-B621-9D0CE89433BE.jpegED16F711-FC5D-47B7-B8FB-B56BEEC49611.jpegACCAB6B5-2345-46FB-A786-EE956596EB4C.jpeg1ED0D3C3-DA9D-4310-8862-541245D7DEAC.jpeg212988ED-604F-4F6B-8436-D6BE2D8BB29B.jpeg98C7EBB2-2CB7-4E24-ACEE-4868D9555E2E.jpeg62FE04FB-931F-45C7-8CB7-F644C194C020.jpegBA923798-BB28-4BEC-8614-21F5C2DCD060.jpegE06172CD-1795-48FE-AD91-A6E6865A4917.jpeg
Beams for the lower floor are set and a small bulkhead is placed at the very rear: I use a form gauge to do this and transfer the outlines to paper. With this paper template I can determine the exact shape. Then I glue the template onto wooden strips in order to saw it out exactly.B1BCE1B2-9B6C-47C0-8E0A-651549667EE0.jpegB7ADAC58-2427-465A-B48E-7A365122A79B.jpeg1D0D15DE-7860-4AB3-A16F-D429039F463F.jpeg
Hallo Joachim,
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Enjoy your day
und ganz speziell: Alles Alles Gute zu deinem Geburtstag
Here you can see inner frames from the middle area. I put burnished nails on them. I drill the holes. with the plate grinder I grind the heads of the nails, otherwise the nail diameter would be too big. Then I paint the frames with reddish shellac. I apply the shellac with a linen bag filled with cotton wool.4B5EF7F8-55B7-47DC-B03D-71003E2BCEF1.jpeg
The building of the rear hold continues. A corridor leads from the middle area to the rear well shaft on the upper hold level. To the left and right of the aisle are rooms with sliding doors. They can be opened
I leave the floor on the starboard side partially open.
On a picture you can also see the black and silver tool. I use it to take the contours of the inside of the ship. I put it the contours on paper to build the deck planking. It allows me to make paper stencils of the deck and to finish parts of the deck outside the ship. This allows me to cut out recesses on the starboard side of the deck- planking.26DD8185-4858-4D07-8A35-CF448ACC834B.jpegC46D633F-5CBB-416F-8F91-8C395C8A9D0B.jpeg97CE0BD9-BFDE-42DF-A32E-897AD8684487.jpeg7331EE21-73D2-47C1-BB21-E1EF81BF911F.jpeg6D4FA459-B8BF-409C-B783-94944AAE9B7C.jpeg6E930681-A306-4F89-9422-FA807746E36A.jpeg
The deck beams for the lower cannon deck are made of burnished brass supports. I solder three brass rods together with a small gas burner. The support is then placed in a wooden rail and then glued to the fuselage. To do this, I mill a groove in the wood. Nailing is difficult at the 1:48 scale, because there is little space to work in the fuselage. I start mass production for 30 deck beams with two supports each.DBE0EEA3-7299-47E9-B9E9-58052D842217.jpeg83115483-A456-416E-A0EF-1B2E8AA569C8.jpeg4E9EE017-7C5A-4848-9811-4A9699B0CCE5.jpegA2399961-01BE-4A86-9A7F-8E00A3F38579.jpegABECFCB1-A037-49DF-BF0C-1B6DE874DD8D.jpeg1117AFD4-1138-4BB2-B531-2EE290C33408.jpegF9E3EA80-D93D-414F-9271-92D20783E944.jpeg1E72A4FF-448D-4D1D-A9EF-45367CCB1DE9.jpegD3BD73B2-9098-403A-A0C3-A38149308ADE.jpeg46B464AC-F465-468C-87F7-27A177665F6C.jpegA06B17AA-14C3-42ED-BB07-2EBA7A19B9B3.jpeg
Within a week I continued to work on all deck beams on which the first cannon deck sits. Some floor planks (exactly 6 pairs) are thicker than the others and are recessed in all deck planks. I carved these recesses in 30 deck beams. To do this, I placed the deck beam on the plan and marked the recesses with a pencil. However, the plan only shows the cutouts on the starboard side. In order to draw the recesses on the port side, I turned the plan over to the blank side. Then I put a sheet of white paper under it. And the lines already shimmer through and I can also mark the cutouts for the port side.

Thank you Uwe, how are you?

Because of Corona, there is more space time for working in the shipyard. In Germany, all sport clubs are closed , so I can work every evening.
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The brass brackets support the deck beams. They are attached to the outside wall and the beam. Problem: The angles between the outer wall and the beams vary and must be transferred to the brass angle. Here's how I do it:
1) With my self-made angle gauge made of two short pieces of wood and a screw with a nut, I measure the angle between the outer wall and the deck beam.
2: Transfer the angle to the disc grinder in order to be able to grind the upper brass strut at the correct angle.

Hopefully the pictures show the process better than my words can
In the last picture you can see the result: the upper brass strut, which will rest on the deck beam, is ground to the correct angle. It lies on the left on the other brass strut, which will be attached to the outer wall later.





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