New kit Full rib Bluenose finished product - 全肋骨蓝鼻号成品

@Pathfinder65 Thank you, Jan! I hope you will enjoy it. One thing that I can promise is that it will be comprehensive - so get those reading glasses out! ;)

By the way - this kit features NO plywood or MDF parts ANYWHERE!
That is normal for a Pof kit,at least should be
The painting of Bluenose appeared in:

It was done by "the highly regarded maritime artist of the present day, John Steven Dews", and depicts the Schooner Bluenose overtaking the Elsie. The first race between Bluenose and Elsie was held on 22 October 1921, with Bluenose winning easily.

Unfortunately, it shows: "Out of Stock".
Out of stock = cast off from the pier and at sea somewhere; only to be found with continuous searching! Thanks, Rich
@zoly99sask and @Uwek , my thoughts are that many others have done similar postings, myself included, and it should be alright as long as credit is given to the author and source of the article. Not sure if I am correct on this but some advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Hello Don. Generally is OK to post articles as long as you credited\ mentioned the writer\publisher. But... it could be the case where the publisher explicitly said 'No' for anything without special permission. Should be OK to post, just say ' For informational purpose only'
Hello Don. Generally is OK to post articles as long as you credited\ mentioned the writer\publisher. But... it could be the case where the publisher explicitly said 'No' for anything without special permission. Should be OK to post, just say ' For informational purpose only'
Greetings to all.
I have digested the previous posts, noted the advice therein (with many thanks) and comment as follows .
Here is a scanned copy of the article on Bluenose from Model Shipwright no 21 for your information. Whilst I have not had time to go through all of my copies of MS 1 to 112 in my possession I have made a cursory inspection of the MS Index 1972-1997, issues 1-100 and can find no other mention of Bluenose (this is not to say that there may be some in 101 onwards , I will check at some time.)
The scan resolution is 300dpi greyscale which I hope will be sufficient to be read. Please advise if any further action on my part is required. Just remember that at my age I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer these days.
The body of the article refers to all the appropriate sources of information. I assume the Kit makers are aware of these. Please send to Heinrich direct if appropriate
I hope this is of interest.
Best wishes,

* Please note. The attached document for information purposes only.


Gentlemen, I have started posting the kit review but because of the sheer size of the files and limited server ability I am forced to do it in sections. Section 1 has been posted.

Gentlemen, I have started posting the kit review but because of the sheer size of the files and limited server ability I am forced to do it in sections. Section 1 has been posted.

Very good - I suggest to everybody to wait with postings inside the kit review, until Heinrich has finished it.
So please wait with your comments inside the Review