Uwek, thank you for posting those details and images. I missed That internet site. Incredible, as I spent a lot of time searching for info/images all around.
Thank you again !!!
From that site, I can confirm that my modifications to the kit were correctly done.
I can see the kit was OK with the bottom high of the door frame and that my addition of a step, was a logic one. That step can be seen at the picture too. Could be it is for the tourists. It has a legen over it. Could be it just say "Do not enter" or provide some explanation of the step.
Also on this Turtle repro, at the oars, the floor has movable sections to cover the floor oars holes. That will allow the cannons to be placed over those oars holes. On others pictures i found that is not depicted. The design is different. Due to that I did a big modification of those holes. Now, future builders of this kit can add that "movable piece of floor". Both ways (the movable floors or as I did it, will be correct)
Nice pictures of the cannon attachments and also of the deck I modified.
Overall, this site images provided me relief concerning my modifications of the kit.
Here are the images from the site I am referring too:
On the below image looks like there is a table in front of the ruder (I forgot the name of the piece if wood used to move the ruder). I will see if I have space to add it too.
Moreover, I am happy to see that my desk addition to the officer's cabin was OK. I will see if I can hang there a map too...
This is all about having fun and I am enjoying this built a lot.
Thanks again !!
Moreover, the way I did the cannon doors and the windows all over the side, are correct. It can be clearly seen on the oars images. I am very happy !!!
Thank you again !!!
From that site, I can confirm that my modifications to the kit were correctly done.
I can see the kit was OK with the bottom high of the door frame and that my addition of a step, was a logic one. That step can be seen at the picture too. Could be it is for the tourists. It has a legen over it. Could be it just say "Do not enter" or provide some explanation of the step.
Also on this Turtle repro, at the oars, the floor has movable sections to cover the floor oars holes. That will allow the cannons to be placed over those oars holes. On others pictures i found that is not depicted. The design is different. Due to that I did a big modification of those holes. Now, future builders of this kit can add that "movable piece of floor". Both ways (the movable floors or as I did it, will be correct)
Nice pictures of the cannon attachments and also of the deck I modified.
Overall, this site images provided me relief concerning my modifications of the kit.
Here are the images from the site I am referring too:
On the below image looks like there is a table in front of the ruder (I forgot the name of the piece if wood used to move the ruder). I will see if I have space to add it too.
Moreover, I am happy to see that my desk addition to the officer's cabin was OK. I will see if I can hang there a map too...
This is all about having fun and I am enjoying this built a lot.
Thanks again !!
Moreover, the way I did the cannon doors and the windows all over the side, are correct. It can be clearly seen on the oars images. I am very happy !!!