Glad Tidings Pinky by DUncan - Model Shipways - 1:24 Scale

Well, it just arrived. I am very excited. This is going to be a challenge for me. I have read a lot of build logs and my conclusion is, when I finish this build, I will have learned much about model ship building. It look like only half of those that started this build acturally finish.

First question: how do you flatten out the plans?
Hallo @Duncan
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Enjoy your special day
For me the ultra small drill bit only works using a drill press. I can’t hold a hand held drill straight and steady. The bit breaks too easily for me when it has to go more than a few mm.

When drilling into wood I have successfully used a common pin (0.65 mm dia.) as a drill. I’m using 0.68 mm nails. The pin is much more tolerant of my not so steady hand.
