All printed up and I'm ordering wood shortly. Thanks
That is a nice and well done set of plans and details. Rich (Pt-2)without further adieu.. The drawing are released.. Let me know when you find errors so I can update them. Im also pretty sure some of you will finish before I get to far along... all the drawings are actual size and need to be printed as such..
Hi Ken!I added the waterline (what I believe it is anyways) to the drawings. Here is the latest update with the waterline.
I took the drawing you gave of boat #6 and it showed the deck line and extrapolated where the deck line would be on the model you designed. I then cut the frames with that much less material. I had to move the cross piece and the blocking down to accommodate for the lowered frames. I didn't put in any camber so it is just a flat deck. In fact, I cheated and cut out a deck from some old premade decking I had in my pile. As for the gun and sweep ports, again, I extrapolated from the #6 drawing and guesstimated their location in relationship to the picture and the model. I cut down the tops of the bulkheads so that I could close the top of the gun ports with some 1/8th thick wood and close them all at the same time. The cap rail was then glued to that piece. Nice and flat. I trimmed the bulkhead frames down to 3/16ths then planked with 1/32nd on the inside and outside then the cap rail was 5/16ths wide to cover it all. I only put that stuff in to add some of me to the project since it is going to my grandson on his first birthday in August. unless I make another one that is better, which is a possibility. I'm really enjoying this project. Just the whiskey plank to go and all the final shaping. Loving it. Also, Next time I will probably not do the build board, because it will give me more access to the inside of the bulkheads if I want to do some more detail. Let me know if you have any questions.can you pass on some pictures or sketches, which would be very helpful
can you pass on some pictures or sketches, which would be very helpful
Hallo Ken alias @kohlndkI was perusing the internet looking for a set of decent lines for the bomb vessel cross section, which I want to lengthen so that I can also show it with a mast and some rigging. I came across half hull models and was intrigued. Basically these are exactly what the name says; it’s a model of a boat or ship hull, split down the middle and mounted to a plaque. These were used to as a visualization tool for the boat/ship builders to see how the hull looked and also to take the lines from. These were made with no rigging, fixtures or deck hardware. Today there only used as decoration as the computers can make the necessary patterns and make sure the lines are ‘fair’.
Here is an example of such a model:
View attachment 210408
I was thinking that this would make a nice project. The framework is relatively simple, but yet when you plank it you can make it as elaborate as you want. By adding the correct width of planking, and cheater planks, hook scarf joints and fasteners this would make a nice looking model. The other advantage one would have with this is more practice in planking. And I know I can use all the practice I can get.
As I mentioned I was perusing the internet, I did find a nice set of lines to use on this model. This is a model of an English Cutter from the mid 1700’s or so. Apparently these were very popular as I believe about 30 or so of these ships were ordered at that time.
Here is a set of lines for this ship, look at the lines for the ship No. 6;
I attaches some additional information about this ship below, she was about 54 foot long.
View attachment 210409
View attachment 210410
Once I had these lines I was able to trace them in CAD software and got a basic hull form, as seen below;
View attachment 210411
After the tracing was complete, and the curves were cleaned up I was able to then draft the model below.
I’ll be the first to say that CAD does not make things happen magically, that step of cleaning up the tracings into something useable is what took the longest to do.
View attachment 210412
This was modeled up full scale, so that I could easily scale it down to whatever size I felt was an appropriate scale to build. My intent is to produce a set of drawings at 1/32 scale, which would make a model about 22 inches long.
As of now my intent is to have all the drawings in pdf format and printable on 11x17 paper.
I would like everyone to know that I will offer the drawings to the group, for free of course, so that anyone that is interested can come along for the ride and build one for themselves. I would like to build a quick foam mockup before I release the drawings as a sanity check to make sure there are no glaring mistakes, so we are all not starting from scratch in the event I made a big mistake.
I will share my build as I go along as well as any hiccups along the way and with the hopes that all who are building or even following can give much needed insight and critiques along the way.
I have estimated that this project would cost about $30 US, as the materials can all be bought at such places as Hobby Lobby, Joann Fabrics and Michaels Crafts and your local hobby store. This is my thoughts on what materials would be required;
3@ ¼ inch plywood or MDF panels 12 x 24 for the ribs
3@ 3/16 inch basswood 3 x 24 sheets for the keel, frame and supports
2 or 3 sheets of 1/16 in basswood 3 x 36 sheets for the planking. The planks will be about ¼ inch wide, but some will have a nice curve and need more material.
Your favorite glue and finishing products; wax, Tung oil, varnish, etc.
My next step is to finish the drawings up and build the foam mockup in the next few days. I’ll post pictures and anything that I learn along the way.
With all that being said, come and join this project with me and let’s get to planking..
Hi DocI’d like to see this project Revived! NRG has a kit out for the half hull, but there is no deck, deck furniture etc. Ken’s plans, modified as MikeJ and Mike41 have done, would be a very attractive option for the half hull model.
How can we make this happen?
Not necessarily, Zoly. But plans to include a cambered half deck, inboard bulwark planking and half deck furniture would be a great option for the scratch builder. If someone wanted to do a kit based on Ken's plans (with his approval) ...not a terrible idea!Hi Doc
Are you asking to make this model into a kit?