H.M.S Enterprise plank on frame CAF Models 1/48.

What about using artist ink to stain? I used some once to stain light coloured timber strips in red and blue and then sealed with white shellac. They turned out superb. Staining with black ink should do a decent job in simulating ebony. Or how about using black hornbeam to simulate ebony. Looks very similar. I have some strips in my stock bought from Ebay from Russia and it looks very good.
[QUOTE = "Brian077, innlegg: 43213, medlem: 4000"] Hei folkens,
Du kan aldri ha for mange klemmer. Har vært planking med tyrkisk boxwood.
Dette materialet jeg kutter meg og trenger en endelig sandpapir for å glatte den av.


great work you hawe done, interesting loog that i vil follwTommel opp
Hi Brian.
Catching up on your build. This is certainly a masterful build. That looks like a center island table you are building from while the paremeter has all your tools ???
That is just all too awesome.
Hi Brian,

I love the Turkish boxwood, it will create a beautiful contrast with the cherry frame and black wales.
Coming to the wales you didn't place them yet? Are you putting these on top of the planking?
Hi Brian,

I love the Turkish boxwood, it will create a beautiful contrast with the cherry frame and black wales.
Coming to the wales you didn't place them yet? Are you putting these on top of the planking?

Hi Maarten,
I know its probably incorrect, but I find it easier to do the wales after planking. Happy Xmas buddy.