Hi Dave, I cut out the windows VERY, VERY, VERY, carefully wit a NEW XACTO No. 11 blade and cleaned them up with MIN SANDING STICKS got from HOBBY LO once i see what you say, I think that part is aceptableBBY still have some cleaning up to do,,,, DAVE ACTUALLY THE WHOLE STERN AREA IS GIVING ME FITS, i think that the stern decoration piece is OK as long as I can paint it properly, hard at this age to do the small areas and do not know if I should cut it like yo showed or leave it the way I cut it, what do you think,,, the main problem is the FASHION PIECES AS THAT WILL GOVERN EVERYTHING ELSE ie, PLANKING, MOLDING ETC., so what do you think i think I will start painting the decorative piece AS it seems OK depending on what you say and installing that in place, NOW THE FASHION PIECES NEED YOUR OPION ON THOSE IF OK CAN PROCEDE. LOOKING FORWARD TO WHAT YOU SAY. Don