Dear Friends
Herewith is the full, final and correct list of all the ships that participated in the First Two Expeditions. This has been cross-checked four ways by comparing De Veer's Diary with that of Van Linschoten, the German Warhafftige Relation and documentation published by the Hakluyt Society in the UK. Every single document conforms in all respects to the other three.
Numbers 1 and 2: I have grouped them together because these ships were from Amsterdam and under the command of Willem Barentsz and because it is impossible to say which one is which based on the drawing.
They were
De Mercurius (The Mercury) from Amsterdam - a vlieboot of 50 last. This was the vessel on which Barentsz sailed and of which he was the captain.
The other one was an
Unnamed Fishing Jacht from Terschelling which also fell under the command of Barentsz.
3. De Zwaan - from Zeelandt - a vlieboot of 50 last.
Captained by Cornelis Corneliszoon-Nay (who was also appointed as Admiral for the trip)
Pieter Dirckzoon Strickbolle - Chief Pilot
Francoys de la Dale - Commis and Interpreter
Christoffel Splindler - Interpreter
4. De Mercurius - from Enkhuyzen - a vlieboot of 50 last
Captained by Brandt Ysbrandtszoon or Brandt Tetgales
Jan Huyghen van Linschoten - Commis and tasked with keeping a journal
. De Hoop from Enkhuyzen - a war pinnace of 100 last.
Captained by Brandt Ysbrandtszoon aka Brandt Tetgales
Jan-Hufghen van Linschoten - Commis
De Windhond from Amsterdam - a war pinnace of 100 last
Captain and Chief-Pilot - Willem Barentsz
Helmsman: Cornelis Jacobszoon
Jacob van Heemskerck - Commis
. De Zwaan from Zeelandt - a Vlieboot of 40 last (Same ship of the previous year)
Captain: Lambert Gerritszoon-Oom
De Griffioen from Zeelandt - a war pinnace of 86 last
Captain: Cornelis Corneliszoon-Nay (Admiral of the Fleet)
Francoys de la Dale: Commis and Interpreter
Christoffel Splindler: Interpreter
An unnamed Jacht from Rotterdam - 20 last
Captain: Hendrick Hartman
De Mercurius from Amsterdam - a Vlieboot of 50 last (Same ship as the previous year)
Captain: Harman Janszoon
Chief Pilot: Willem Gijsen
De Mercurius from Enkhuyzen - a Vlieboot of 50 last (Same ship as the previous year)
Captain: Thomas Willemszoon
That is as much as the research material offers at this stage. When one looks at the 1596 Expedition, it remains - unfortunately - all a matter of speculation, or as Ab calls it, "my suppositions".
I do have a few hooks with bait out in the water - I will see if I get a bite and then examine the quality of the fish to see if it worthwhile keeping - but for now my current ship (and the future one) will remain: Het Expeditieschip van Willem Barentsz.