Dear Friends
As research continues unabated (while still building at the same time, I have now found information that I did not previously have. This information comes from a paper
"Schipbreuk op het Wad{denzee]" - een onderzoek naar de inrichting van het Scheurrak S01-wrak" by Alice B.M. Overmeer - 2000.Translated, it reads
"Shipwreck of the Waddenzee - research into the compartmentalization of the shipwreck S01".
What is most interesting about this wreck is that it was heavily relied on by Gerald de Weerdt (shipbuilder of the Witte Zwaen replica in Harlingen) in his reconstruction of Willem Barentsz's ship - in fact his line plans and the replica itself are both based in part on the Scheurrak S01. In fact, De Weerdt goes as far as to say that his rendition of the WB is a marriage between well-known shipbuilding practices of the late 16th/early-17th centuries and the Scheurrak S01.
In the analysis, Overmeer states that research was based on four factors:
1. The archeological discovery of the wreck itself.
2. Known historical sources.
3. Previous discoveries and models of the same type of ship.
4. Knowledge of contemporary vessels.
Point No 4 is the really valuable one as the Willem Barentsz and the Scheurrak S01 were perfect contemporaries - ok, maybe not perfect (the Scheurrak was slightly older) but close enough to be called contemporaries. Thus, the direct comparisons that were made in the papers, provided me with additional information that I did not have (or that I missed along the way).
I quote the paper (not everything is included - only the relevant parts).
For the reconstruction of the WB,
@Ab Hoving (hereafter I will just refer to "Ab") used the writings and drawings of Gerrit de Veer, historical information on shipbuilding at the beginning of the 17th century and the small portion of the actual hull of the WB that was discovered. These results can, however, not be extrapolated directly to that of the Scheurrak S01 (hereafter called S01). The WB was a ship of either 30 or 50 lasten and 19 meters in length while the S01 measured 130 lasten and 30 meters. This is explained by the fact that S01 was intended as a merchant ship, whilst the WB carried the mantle of "Expedition Ship". These differences aside, the two ships were contemporaries and as such the WB is relevant.
The WB was a small, two-decked ship with an "overkapping" (canopy at the bow), a "boevennet" (center/midships canopy) with a small cabin found at the stern of the ship. the ship had 3 masts with a bowsprit, was built shell first and featured a double layer of planking - each layer with a width of 4cm.
According to De Veer, the hold of the ship is used for various purposes. In the foreship was
(1) "The Hell", a small space in which
consumables such as ropes and blocks were stored. Behind it was the
(2) space in which the
anchor cables were stored, the
"kabelgat". Behind the kabelgat, in the vicinity of the large hatch, was the space
(3) where merchandise was stored. Around and near the large mast
(4) the water barrels and ammunition were stored. These heavy objects were important for the stability of the ship. In the back of the hold
(5) was the supply of provisions and all the way in the rear of the hold, the
(6) gunpowder room - the room where the stock of gunpowder was stored, was carefully placed in a room below the waterline.
The lower deck also called the
(8) first deck or orlop deck was the
gun deck. On each side, were seven gun ports and besides that two gun ports in the stern. The gundeck was no higher than one and a half meters. Most of the crew slept on this deck between the guns. According to Ab they probably slept in hammocks, but from Lucassen we learn that hammocks only replaced the straw bags in the first half of the seventeenth century! At the stern of the first deck was the
(7) konstabelskamer (constable's room). In this room the remaining weaponry was stored although small arms were also kept in the cabin of the skipper for fear of mutiny. In addition, the constable and other officials slept in this room.
On the upper deck there was a covered part at the front which Gerrit De Veer calls the
(9) "vooronder" (front canopy). The canopy did not provide permanent cover but was more of a shelter. Here stood the winch and the galley while at the same time providing access to the
(10) galleon. It also served as a working platform for the front sails and accommodated the privee for the crew.
Behind the front canopy was the open part of the
(11) main deck (verdek/kuil) where the boot was set up on top of the grates that allowed light and air onto the lower deck. Behind the masts was another covered area, the
(12) "achteronder" or center/midships canopy which was formed by a gridded roof (as was the front canopy). Here stood the helmsman, who operated the tiller, which entered the ship from the stern and through the constable's room. Here was also the compass, because the helmsman had no further vision. Above the tiller was a deck that formed the floor of the
(13) captain's cabin, the skipper's residence. here the navigation instruments were stored. Behind the vessel, a sloop or barge is also towed.
The amazing thing is that I have just once again confirmed that
@Ab Hoving's interpretation was nothing short of phenomenal. Everything he said about the WB was correct.
1. The winch must be placed at the front of the canopy; not underneath where De Weerdt placed it on the replica.
I am spot on in my build.
2. The helmsman did not have a hut from which he operated.
I was correct in doing away with the chicken coop!
3. The boot was stored on deck, the chaloup was towed behind
. My surmise is validated.
4. The position of the captain's cabin:
My scratch-built effort is correct!
4. The ship did have seven gunports - I chose six on my build. MY MISTAKE!!! (Unable to rectify)
5. Despite my best efforts, the stern on my model does not emulate that of Ab's plans correctly. The kit components simply do not allow for that type of modification to be carried out within the confines of a kit build.
So, what do I do with my newly acquired knowledge. Time to think ...