Thank you very much Phil. It is actually quite a coincidence that you should mention sanding sealer. I have never used it before and therefore I spent quite a bit of time today reading up on it and doing some research. As I understand it, Sanding sealer fills the wood pores to promote quick sanding, a smooth finishing surface and reduces the number of coats that need to be applied
In the end, I have decided not to use it for the following reasons:
1 I need the Tung Oil to penetrate deeply into the wood for maximum protection, therefore I want to keep the wood-pores open.
2. I have basically a limitless supply of Tung Oil, so applying numerous coats is really not an issue.
3. Luckily for me, the hull does not require much sanding, so if I spend a little more time sanding, I'm OK with that.
3. Lastly, I want to achieve a natural wooden ship finish - I am not looking for the super-smooth, super-shiny finish that you would find on furniture.
But having said that, I think whether or not to use sanding sealer, is very much a personal choice and will neither make or break a hull finish.