With the planking now complete, I thought I would share - in summary - my planking recipe for the Willem Barentsz. For the prospective future builders of this superb kit it may be helpful, but other than that it also serves as my own record of what I have done.
I divided the planking into FIVE definite sections: The wales, planking above the wales, planking below them, planking the two garboard strakes and closing up the hull.
Planking the wales:
1. Lay an untapered 4mm x 1.5mm plank between the indicated lines on the bulkheads.
2. Lay an untapered 6mm x 1.5mm plank above that
3. Followed by another untapered 4mm x 1.5mm plank.
4. Now "double" the two untapered 4mm x 1.5mm planks by gluing identical 4mm x 1.5mm planks (untapered as well) on top of them.
That concludes the wales which consist of 6 planks in total (three on either side).
Planking above the wales:
The instructions stipulate that THREE 6mm x 1.5mm planks now need to be placed - all three tapered down to 4mm.
1. Lay 6mm x 1.5mm plank (which has been tapered to 4mm at the front).
2. Lay another 6mm x 1.5mm plank (which has been tapered to 4mm at the front).
3. DEVIATION FROM PLANS: Here, both Piet and I changed the third 6mm x 1.5mm plank, to a lost (dropped) strake which did not run all the way through to the stem.
4. Lay 4mm x 1.5mm untapered plank above the dropped strake.
5. Followed by another 4mm x 1.5mm untapered plank above the first one.
6. Followed by another 4mm x 1.5mm untapered plank above the other two.
A third wale will be created in future by laying another untapered 4mm x 1.5mm plank on top of the second (middle) one. This I have not done yet.
There are also a further two 2mm x 3mm planks which need to be placed horizontally above all of the planking that has been done so far, but this I will also do at a later stage.
This concludes planking above the wales which consists of 12 planks in total (six on either side).
Planking below the wales:
The instructions state that you need to plank below the wales with 6mm x 1.5mm planks which have been tapered down to 3mm at the front.
In each case, I have started the tapering from Bulkhead #2.
1. Lay 6mm x 1.5mm plank which has been tapered to 3mm at the front.
2. Followed by a second identical plank.
3. followed by a third identical plank.
4. Followed by a fourth identical plank.
5. POSSIBLE DEVIATION FROM INSTRUCTIONS: The fifth 6mm x 1.5mm plank was also tapered at the front to 3mm as per instructions, BUT also required a tapering at the stern in order to enclose the stern fully. It is impossible for me to give exact measurements here, as this will differ from builder to builder.
This concludes this section of planking below the wales which consisted IN MY CASE of 10 planks in total (five on either side).
Next I moved to the garboard strake to plank upwards of the false keel.
1. Garboard Strake. Lay an untapered 6mm x 1.5mm plank which was cut to size following the contours of the false keel at the bottom.
2. Follow this by another 6mm x 1.5mm plank which was tapered down to 3mm at the front.
That concludes the section of planking the garboard strakes which consisted of 4 planks in total (two on either side).
Closing up the Hull.
The last section deals with how I closed the hull. This is also highly individual and will differ from builder to builder.
1. DEVIATION FROM INSTRUCTIONS: At the stern use an insert which is cut from a 6mm x 1.5mm plank into a triangle-shaped taper so that it measure 6mm at the stern and 0.5mm at bulkhead # 9. This insert goes directly above the second garboard strake.
2. Above that lay a 6mm x 1.5mm plank which has been tapered to 3mm at the front.
3. DEVIATION FROM INSTRUCTIONS: Now lay the second insert which is cut from a 6mm x 1.5mm plank into a triangle-shaped taper so that it measure 6mm at the stern and 0.5mm at bulkhead # 10. This insert goes directly above the last 6mm x 1.5mm strake which had been placed.
4. DEVIATION FROM INSTRUCTIONS: Above the second stern insert, lay an untapered 4mm x 1.5mm plank.
5. DEVIATION FROM INSTRUCTIONS: The last full-length plank is a 6mm x 1.5mm plank which is placed in TWO sections. The front section consists of a dropped strake which ends/disappears at Bulkhead #1; the rear section consisted of the plank receiving a gradual taper to end at 4mm at the stern.
Deal with any small gaps that may remain by custom-shaping the planks.
That concludes the section on closing up the hull which consisted of 6 full-length planks in total (three on either side) and four inserts (two on either side) and any custom shaped sections which may be needed to close up the hull.
I know this was very technical and very boring, but in my mind, it will offer others an idea. A single-planked hull remains a dark art, mastered by few, so if this is of help to anyone, it has served its purpose. If you have no use for it, just read on to our next section on the actual expedition.