Cheers Heinrich. Been an absolute pleasure following your build. Look forward to the time when you have the leisure of building again and continuing with this beautiful WB. Looking at the Kolderstock you see how small this vessel would have been (as evidence by the real replica) and brave these men were back then.Hello Dear Friends.
This is the one post that I had dreaded all during this build - the time when it has come to say that's that for now. From the start of the build I have moved my goalposts further and further as I went along - from having the hull planked, to include having the deck planked, then to finish the canopy and now I have even finished off the C-Deck. The instructions now call for the further build-up of the rear bulwarks, but that is a big job and one that I do not have a snowball's hope in hell of completing before I start work. I may fiddle with the helmsman's hut and the canopy doors, but I am not going to promise anything. This then is the status of the Willem Barentsz today.
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Notice the walnut frame around the rear hatch. Here I have followed Piet's example once more. It is done with 1.5mm x 4mm walnut strips cut to size and will provide a much securer footing for the helmsman's hut to sit on.
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looking at the deck I hope you will understand why I don't bother with caulking. Even though the deck is as smooth as a baby's bottom, each deck plank is individually defined - and it is all done a natural way by just playing around with different color-shaded Abachi planks and the wild format of the planking layout. Treenailing I will never do, as I have never seen any nailing effect (on the scale that we build) that has convinced me of its realism. (By the way, I have no idea why the decks show up so "yellowish" when I take pictures in the dining room - its under white fluorescent lighting.)
And now I come to the point of thanking each and ever one who has contributed to this build log in any form or way - be it a "Like", be it a friendly message, be it constructive criticism, be it a compliment or asking a question. You have no idea how much that means to me and how humbled I am that you joined me in such a wonderful and active way during the build. And of course there are two special thanks: @Kolderstok Hans for bringing such a phenomenal kit to market and @pietsan Piet Sanders for mentoring me during this build.
It has been a blast guys - but now I can also sit back slightly and enjoy your builds. But first ... there is a shipyard that is waiting for a final time to be cleaned up.