Hello Dear Friends
Tonight, I am excited about this posting, because for the first time in a long while, it feels like I have made tangible progress.
I have finished planking the inner and outer sides of the front canopy frames. If you look at the following picture you can clearly see (marked in red), the first inner planking between the hull bulwarks and the outer sides of the frame.
View attachment 297352
The picture below shows the “sandwich” construction that
@pietsan Piet and I have opted for. The upshot of this is that the unsightly triplex frame is entirely covered with walnut planking except for the part in which the notches are cut. Once the lengthwise and crosswise roof beams are in place and the walnut borders have been added, none of that will be visible.
View attachment 297353
You will notice that I have done the outer planking so that it extends ever so slightly above the roof beam notches – by 1.5mm exactly.
The reason for this was two-fold. First, I have created another contact surface for the roof beams for when they are glued into the notches. Instead of just having contact surfaces underneath the beam and on its sides, the end that butts-up against the outer planking provides an additional gluing surface.
View attachment 297354
Photograph: Piet Sanders
Second, I am hoping that when I place the roof border (green area) on top of the room beams the extra height of my side planking (yellow) will be flush with the border that will be placed around the roof which is 1.5mm walnut. (Please note that this is Piet's model - I am not close to having winches and belaying racks installed

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Now it was time to do something that I really looked forward to – installing the roof beams (picture above). Because the side frames were bent to follow a curved line, the roof beams go into the notches at an angle, which means a very tight fit. I did not want to file too much material away from the roof beams as the tighter the fit, the more solid the whole construction. After they had been brought to size, the roof beams were stained with two coats of water-based Dark Oak. Glue was applied to the beam-ends and they were carefully tapped into position using my regular-sized (and heavy) hammer.
Comparing my build to Piet’s version (picture below), the only difference is that he first placed the roof beams BEFORE adding the top outer plank on the side ...
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Photograph: Piet Sanders
... while on my build, I just did it the other way around.
View attachment 297359
Note that I am not even going to bother with sanding the outer planking, as there is still the additional “finishing” layer of planks that will go over that.
I am very happy with how this turned out. This was a part of the build which had me concerned beforehand, but I need not have been. As soon as I started the actual work and logic came into play, it became obvious what needed to be done and how it was supposed to be done. It goes without saying that Piet's build log and
@Kolderstok Hans's comments were indispensable.
And this is how she looks tonight with her front canopy in place.
View attachment 297380
Three-quarter view from the rear.
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From the top.
View attachment 297383
And three-quarter view from the front.
That is all for tonight and far as building goes, probably for the week. Thank you all for the most kind comments, the support, the likes, the suggestions, the questions and just for following along and saying hello. Enjoy your shipbuilding, cherish your loved ones and stay safe!