Dear Friends
If I am quiet, then you must know I'm hard at work on the WB which means that the Lincoln Shipyard is in full swing.
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On the starboard side the final planking layer has been added around the front canopy. Whilst final sanding still needs to take place (the sharp corner edge at the top needs to be sanded round and the roof needs to be sanded flush with the sides), you can see that the canopy now follows the lines of the wales perfectly. Once everything was dry and secure the front and rear edges were trimmed off as per the plans. The yellow arrow indicates the start of the roof planking. Following
@pietsan Piet's build, I have gone for two planks with widths of 6mm and 3mm wide respectively, while the instructions call for a single 6mm wide plank. The roof plank on the starboard side is at this stage still only the 6mm one, so you can clearly see the difference.
View attachment 298742
And here is an overall shot of what the ship looks like now with the canopy partially shaped on the starboard side. Now will you understand why it is so important to be able to "read" the lines of a ship and have the background knowledge (historical knowledge) as to how it all goes together. Once again, I can only bow to the knowledge and expertise of Piet.
View attachment 298749
I have also started to build up the canopy walls - this shows the rear of the canopy on the starboard side (black arrow). The port side is left untouched, because I need all the space I can get for the clamps to fit onto, while planking the Port Side. The red arrow indicates the double roof planks on the starboard side, while the yellow arrow shows the single plank as per
@Kolderstok instructions.
View attachment 298751
Likewise I have also started building up the front walls.
View attachment 298739
The first two planks on the Port Side of the front canopy are in place and I am now waiting on the glue to dry. Another two hours to go and then the next one can go on.
Until a bit later ...