HMAV BOUNTY - A “face lift “

Good morning
My first update of 2025- an ugly one however it will all come together (hopefully ROTF ). The weird thing is I have battled to scratch build the masts,tops, tresses etc more than deck fittings….go figure.

WIP- plenty final touches and rope “defuzzing” to be done.

Main top mast fitted and more ropes going on :
The topmast shrouds, backstay, mainstay with mouse served :
The blocks for the Mizzen top yard and holes drilled for the crows feet on the main top and chocks for top mast.

The back stays for the Mizzen mast have also been added. These run down to the back of the channel via a tackle with 5mm blocks .
….and the quest continues. I am running out of the Occre green thread which I use for serving and seizing the dyed rope. I’m not going to use the good stuff on this so I foresee some more expenses coming.
Cheers Grant
Good morning
My first update of 2025- an ugly one however it will all come together (hopefully ROTF ). The weird thing is I have battled to scratch build the masts,tops, tresses etc more than deck fittings….go figure.

WIP- plenty final touches and rope “defuzzing” to be done.

Main top mast fitted and more ropes going on :
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The topmast shrouds, backstay, mainstay with mouse served :
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The blocks for the Mizzen top yard and holes drilled for the crows feet on the main top and chocks for top mast.
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The back stays for the Mizzen mast have also been added. These run down to the back of the channel via a tackle with 5mm blocks .
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….and the quest continues. I am running out of the Occre green thread which I use for serving and seizing the dyed rope. I’m not going to use the good stuff on this so I foresee some more expenses coming.
Cheers Grant
The contrasting line colors through nice blocks looks good, Grant. It’s the fun part of a build: the rigging. :) But not everyone agrees with me …..;)
Regards, Peter
Good morning. With my injury my shipyard time is increased however I am jumping around like ricochet rabbit on steroids. I can’t bring myself to finish any one thing. Full throttle……see what happens when I don’t get my adrenaline fix ROTF .

Channel- deadeyes- strops and chain plate:
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I designed and 3D printed the deadeyes as I don’t have any 6mm dead eyes in my stock. I used the old chain plates however these are sooooo inaccurate. They look good tho. I am not sure these will remain so. May decide to make more accurate ones with some wire.

Started making the sheaves for the main yard sheets. Got bored :

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So rigged my steering and tiller. View attachment 466569View attachment 466570View attachment 466571
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I also printed 30 belay pins. These don’t look as good as the brass blackened pins but I am still in the zero spend category. They are resin printed and brittle so I will have to careful when rigging. Not glue in.

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I need to STOP and fettle!!! HelpROTF

Cheers Grant

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Those scuttles are interesting, never thought of adding them before, do they extend the whole length of the ship ?
It's a thing of beauty, Grant!
Thank you kindly Sir
The contrasting line colors through nice blocks looks good, Grant. It’s the fun part of a build: the rigging. :) But not everyone agrees with me …..;)
Regards, Peter
Thank you Peter. I have ups and downs with rigging. At times it is just too much repeat, rewind, repeat. I enjoy it when it all starts to come together- just not there yet.
Your web serving on the mouse is well done, Grant.
Greatest hack in ship modeling: it's bandage material :).
Thanks Daniel. Paul is correct - it is a conROTF…..some band aid stretch and carefully cut.
Very nice and neat work.

Thank you very much Jan
Those scuttles are interesting, never thought of adding them before, do they extend the whole length of the ship ?
Good morning Steven. These do extend but are not evenly spaced due to the Bounty’s deck curve and positioning of the forecastle. I’m not sure mine are 100% accurate as I’m not using original plans but a set I downloaded from a website which looked pretty comprehensive. Cheers Grant
I have a challenge from my son to do this at a near as possible zero cost.
So far a result to be proud of, but... how's it with the near zero cost challenge? One single purchase of any kind of hardware will set you back by at least €25, so guestimating a little, I'd say you'd have spent between €75 and €100. According to my better half that's not near zero.
So far a result to be proud of, but... how's it with the near zero cost challenge? One single purchase of any kind of hardware will set you back by at least €25, so guestimating a little, I'd say you'd have spent between €75 and €100. According to my better half that's not near zero.
Hi Johan. Im still at around $16.00. I will have to buy some more rope tho as I have run out of the rope I have been using for serving and seizing. I will also have to find a 0.2mm for the ratlines and Im not going to use the good quality rope I have in stock for those. If I add sails some more purchases will be required. Cheers Grant
Hi Johan. Im still at around $16.00. I will have to buy some more rope tho as I have run out of the rope I have been using for serving and seizing. I will also have to find a 0.2mm for the ratlines and Im not going to use the good quality rope I have in stock for those. If I add sails some more purchases will be required. Cheers Grant
How does the old saying go in South Africa - At 500 ZAR a bottle of brandy remains a bargain! 16 USD is zero in my book!