HMAV BOUNTY - A “face lift “

Good afternoon Johan. Can you believe it is Christmas again….Thanks for the encouragement with my Bounty project. Always appreciated . The rigging at the moment has become “not super fun” so I want Christmas to come so I can open my present ROTF .Cheers Grant
Make your New Year’s resolution the promise not to open your Christmas present until you have completed Bounty, otherwise you will lose your motivation to continue and disappoint your son. Ask me how I know :rolleyes:
Make your New Year’s resolution the promise not to open your Christmas present until you have completed Bounty, otherwise you will lose your motivation to continue and disappoint your son. Ask me how I know :rolleyes:
Good morning. Whew…..the temptation is too much. I already snuck down this morning and opened the box to have a look at what is inside. My daughter (Ashtyn) caught me red handed and: “you can’t open the presents until Christmas “ reprimanded me.ROTF Man she is worse than the Admiral.ROTF
Back in the box
On a serious note - I will finish off my Bounty for Justin before construction begins on my new toy. Your advice is gratefully accepted. Have a magic Christmas on Wednesday. Cheers Grant
Good morning. Whew…..the temptation is too much. I already snuck down this morning and opened the box to have a look at what is inside. My daughter (Ashtyn) caught me red handed and: “you can’t open the presents until Christmas “ reprimanded me.ROTF Man she is worse than the Admiral.ROTF
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Back in the box
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On a serious note - I will finish off my Bounty for Justin before construction begins on my new toy. Your advice is gratefully accepted. Have a magic Christmas on Wednesday. Cheers Grant
O no, completely caught by your daughter with both hand in the ………… Sick
You will hear that for many days/weeks/months/years …… ROTF
…… In my house I have to self gift such Xmas presents….…. I am also told if it is not wrapped it has to be removed from under the tree……there is bias and prejudice in the Tyler householdROTF.

And there, in his own written hand, is the pathetic excuse for opening an unwrapped gift. Shame on you Tyler ROTF.
Good morning. My last post before Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. Have an amazing celebration with your family and friends.

All WIP so pretty unsightly however I continue my quest…..hmmm!

Mainmast pendants, shrouds, stay threaders and jeerblock lashings:
Made the trestle tree for the top and gallant masts - scratch building this was way harder than I thought. Cleaned up the old bowsprit, and masts ( as unpleasant job trying to get all that orange off) and a first coat oak stain.) I am playing with the yards. I will paint these black as I am over sanding and restoring those orange dowelsROTF:
Oh- I served the main stay and mouse and a shroud fro the forestay.
Once again Merry Christmas:
Cheers Grant
Good morning. Whew…..the temptation is too much. I already snuck down this morning and opened the box to have a look at what is inside. My daughter (Ashtyn) caught me red handed and: “you can’t open the presents until Christmas “ reprimanded me.ROTF Man she is worse than the Admiral.ROTF
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Back in the box
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On a serious note - I will finish off my Bounty for Justin before construction begins on my new toy. Your advice is gratefully accepted. Have a magic Christmas on Wednesday. Cheers Grant
Oh I completely understand the temptation. The odds of not opening were against you;)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Grant
Good morning. My last post before Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. Have an amazing celebration with your family and friends.

All WIP so pretty unsightly however I continue my quest…..hmmm!

Mainmast pendants, shrouds, stay threaders and jeerblock lashings:
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Made the trestle tree for the top and gallant masts - scratch building this was way harder than I thought. Cleaned up the old bowsprit, and masts ( as unpleasant job trying to get all that orange off) and a first coat oak stain.) I am playing with the yards. I will paint these black as I am over sanding and restoring those orange dowelsROTF:
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Oh- I served the main stay and mouse and a shroud fro the forestay.
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Once again Merry Christmas:
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Cheers Grant
Merry Christmas Grant
Enjoy the day with your family
WOW! Grant, don't know how I've missed this awesome refurbishment of yours. I'm so glad I found it though, what a fantastic job. And you now have a new CAF Enterprise POF! Outstanding my friend, I will be on guard for the final of your HMAV Bounty and looking for your new adventure with the Enterprise. Happy New Year.
Good morning Grand,
I wish you and your family a merry Christmas. A very nice present is waiting for you.
I wish you and your family a merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Grant.
Merry Christmas, my friend. Best wishes to you and your gang for a joy-filled holiday!
Oh I completely understand the temptation. The odds of not opening were against you;)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Grant
Merry Christmas Grant
Enjoy the day with your family
And a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year to you and family as well.
Good afternoon Gentlemen. Thank you for all your well wishes. We had a wonderful Christmas and are now in Hermanus doing all the family holiday shenanigans.
WOW! Grant, don't know how I've missed this awesome refurbishment of yours. I'm so glad I found it though, what a fantastic job. And you now have a new CAF Enterprise POF! Outstanding my friend, I will be on guard for the final of your HMAV Bounty and looking for your new adventure with the Enterprise. Happy New Year.
Good afternoon Daniel. Thank you for having a peek at my little refurbishment. When I get back home I will venture into the Enterprise box and see what I’m in for….hopefully a fun and rewarding few years . I hope you guys had a great Christmas and May the new year be a prosperous one. Cheers Grant