Thanks for the thumbs up and looking!
A bit further on
Given that I am waiting for a serving machine.
To make the rigging for the guns.
In the meantime I started with the stairs on the outside of the hull.
While determining the location on the drawing, my eye fell on the edges (rebates) of the upper gun ports, these are at some (6 piece) and at some not (7 piece)
Oops, how stupid of me, while cutting out the gun ports I blindly assumed that they would all be executed with hatches, not so!
So acting like I never saw it and just keep going and ending up fooling myself, or taking everything off and redoing it.
Then just swallowed and took everything off and redid it.
Broke all the mouldings away and then filled the rebates with 1x1mm strips,
Sanded and filled where necessary, then placed new mouldings, primed everything again, and then sprayed it in the right color, only the red of the inside of the gun ports and painting of the red frame remains.
It was a job in itself, but I am satisfied with the result.