Well that was Don found because there is no Hms Alert for sale on ebay just the Shipyard paper model,I am sorry for the confussionThe American coast guard cutter isn't the Alert we discus in this thread.
Well that was Don found because there is no Hms Alert for sale on ebay just the Shipyard paper model,I am sorry for the confussionThe American coast guard cutter isn't the Alert we discus in this thread.
First I had the same question as to the name of the ship it is a COAST GUARD CUTTER but do not no the corect name, as far as this sellers reputation, i have purchased some things from her, with excellent results, quality is as good as ZHL and sometimes even better, delivery is OK also, would not hesitate to by from her again, comunication is difficult as she does not speak English, WHAT I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN IS THE CONCEPT OF 3-D instruction, which DAVE STEVENS AND I HAVE HAD MUCH DISCUSSION ON, at that price I think I will get it as I am afraid that the POF ALERT IS GOING TO BE OUT OF MY PRICE RANGE, I LIKE THE CONCEPT, if anyone can tell me about the name it coud be a generic, would like more information. THANKS Don
That I understand Zoly my question is there a revenue cutter named the ALERT, this is to see if it is historicaly correct for the build or is it a fictious name, as I said WHAT REALLY INTERESTS ME IS THE 3-D aspect of this. Don
Zoly what I am asking is was there ever a U.S. REVENUE CUTTER NAMED ALERT. Don
Can you tell from the listing witch one the model is based on. Don
The one we have been discusing the Chinese revenue cutter alert
On the listing only american Alerts are shown, because you asked before about the americans.Can you tell from the listing witch one the model is based on. Don
Now I am totally confused, the model kit for the ALERT by the Chinese Co. on e-bay, is it a AMERICAN REVENUE CUTTER NAMED ALERT, or is it as UWE says THE 1777 ENGLISH ALERT, and the new POF ALERT is it a different alert, really confused on this one. Don