HMS Blandford Project Main Support Page

Hi Everyone, Question, on the bits on the detail sheet in shows the horizantal member being 1/8 inch square, on the framing plan and on SHTMIK (MIKE) build it looks like a 1/4 inch square witch is it. THANKS Don
Hi Everyone, Question, on the bits on the detail sheet in shows the horizantal member being 1/8 inch square, on the framing plan and on SHTMIK (MIKE) build it looks like a 1/4 inch square witch is it. THANKS Don
Hi Don,
The Bitts are 1/8” thick and ¼” wide, the horizontal piece is inset in the vertical pieces 1/32” as shown in the detail. I hope this helps.
I am ready to glue the stakes and footwaling in but mine do nt match the size of the ones on the plans. I cut them per the bom. The stakes are 3/8, footws are 3/32, and 1/4. Am i wrong or the plans. Need help.
Hi Pawley: Yup, the footwalling is 3/16" wide. The strakes, or "thick stuff" were designed to reinforce the futtock butt joints and should more or less overlie those joints on the frame. I was a little less than fastidious with my locating the thick stuff.

The general principle here is build to the plans, not the Bill of Materials. Do not hesitate to ask questions, though!
I have a question about the pump dale outlet. The outlet is shown coming out of the Wales at frame 5. The pump dale from the chain pump is at frame 6. Is this because there is a sweep port above on frame 6? The AofS book shows the same placement. Just thinking before I drill.
I have a question about the pump dale outlet. The outlet is shown coming out of the Wales at frame 5. The pump dale from the chain pump is at frame 6. Is this because there is a sweep port above on frame 6? The AofS book shows the same placement. Just thinking before I drill.
The plans and the AOTS book both show the dales exactly perpendicular to the centerlione of the ship. The plans say the outlet should be at frame 6, but the outboard planking plans show the scupper at frame 5. Not sure how the discrepancy came about!
Hi Dave, I am using a miniature razor saw, very smooth cut and doesn't break\splinter wood. I am not cutting single frame, but rather angle an take the adjacent frame as well. This way you cut even.
Hey, Jim!

Can I ask a favor? Can you measure how high the cut line is above the surface of the deck beams (not the planking) at frame 1 and frame 9? If you go according to the longitudinal view of the plans, those numbers are 7/8" and 1-1/32"

Not sure if this question to correct Jim, as I don't have any models to measure frames. :p A razor blade can cut 5.8mm deep and has a length of 37.5mm (if this help)
Help with measurements.

Here are some pictures that I have targeted.
1-mast foot.
Two pictures, I assume it is the first one that has the right goal.
problem tegn (1).jpgproblem tegn (2).jpg
2- Deck beam, from these drawings it looks like the different thickness and height of these beams.
problem tegn (3).jpgproblem tegn (4).jpg
Since I do not have so much material left with this length, I do not want to make them wrong .
If anyone out there can measure Upper and Lower deck beams in (mm), height - thickness, 1-32.
I am very happy if someone can take some time to help me with this problem.