HMS Druid P.O.F. - Unicorn Models by Donnie [COMPLETED BUILD]

Clearly I didn’t know about spring festival literally until now. I ran into an issues with the build because the drawings do not match the laser cut pieces. I didn’t know which one was right: the laser cut or the drawings. I made the assumption that the drawing were right and proceeded. I chose wrong and required 2 replacement sheets and a single plank. After a lengthy back and forth and 4 weeks I only received one sheet in the mail. I emailed them over a week ago and have not heard back. There was no auto reply in the email explaining Spring Festival. They just went dark. I posted here in frustration and to let people know that if you require a replacement you might not get it. It was then that Zoly said why they might not be responding. Then everyone started yelling at me.
So....why don't you buy the necessary wood, draw up your own calibrated parts and make them by hand? You have a computer and there are many programs also that would take an image, such as a photograph converted to a JPEG and scale it up to your needed specifications to manufacture your own replacements? My experience with things coming from China ALWAYS takes time. And your parts could always end up in customs awaiting further clearance. It happens.
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