HMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by Uwe

Many thanks to all the comments and replys, also for the likes received

Coming back to the windows - it was time to give some glass into the frames

Some time ago my friend Karl Ingwer alias @kalliboot gave me some small sheets of Mika - and I gave them a try - Many thanks once more to send them

View attachment 388785

fixed the Mika with some small drops of CA-glue from the backside and afterwards the frames fixed in the stern

View attachment 388786

The frame of these windows are in real very small, so not much space for the glue - but I made it acceptable

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Due to the fact, that the windows will be also slightly visible from inside view - once more acceptable in my subjective opinion - hope that the next windows in the next model will be better

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The little bit of white wood glue were removed after making the photo (but I have to check if I really did it)

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z tej perspektywy możemy zobaczyć odbicie w szkle Mika - zrobiłem swoje pierwsze szklane okna

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Wielkie dzięki za zainteresowanie .... Ciąg dalszy nastąpi .....
Witaj Uwek
Bardzo proszę powiedz mi co to Mika czy to jest jakaś grubsza folia ,klisza czy jakieś tworzywo sztuczne przezroczyste .Pozdrawiam Mirek

Hello Uwek
Please tell me what Mika is, is it some thick foil, film or some transparent plastic. Regards Mirek
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Please tell me what Mika is, is it some thick foil, film or some transparent plastic. Regards Mirek
Mica glass is derived from isinglass, a natural silicate mineral that can be used in older antique toasters (where heating elements are wrapped around the Mika glass), European stoves, coal stoves, furnaces, and even boiler peepholes. It is thin and transparent, having the appearance of cellophane or clear plastic.

Hallo Uwe,
I missed your birthday, very sorry. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich!
Glad that you found the Mica sheets i your drawer.
Karl Ingwer
Hallo Uwe,
I missed your birthday, very sorry. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich!
Glad that you found the Mica sheets i your drawer.
Karl Ingwer
Hallo Karl Ingwer,
Many thanks for the wishes and also once more for the Mica sheets - they are giving really a special touch to such windows -

somehow important: they are natural
Please tell me what Mika is, is it some thick foil, film or some transparent plastic. Regards Mirek
In addition to Jims explanations

Micas are a group of silicate minerals whose outstanding physical characteristic is that individual mica crystals can easily be split into extremely thin elastic plates. This characteristic is described as perfect basal cleavage. Mica is common in igneous and metamorphic rock and is occasionally found as small flakes in sedimentary rock. It is particularly prominent in many granites, pegmatites, and schists, and "books" (large individual crystals) of mica several feet across have been found in some pegmatites.

Sheets of mica

Micas are used in products such as drywalls, paints, fillers, especially in parts for automobiles, roofing and shingles, as well as in electronics. The mineral is used in cosmetics and food to add "shimmer" or "frost."

Micanite or mica for isolated mounting of transistors (top, right) and mica discs.

Muscovite windows

I would love to get a little bit on the crystallization process that turns the thin panels into clear windows/glass:)
A reference to a relevant video would also be welcome
After the windows are fitted and fixed I am able to install the planking of the quarterdeck
I will make this planking following in some parts the Lightley model





the deck surface is still not scraped or sanded - caulking is done like everywhere on this model with painting with ecoline


Many Thanks for your interest in my model .... to be continued .....
After the windows are fitted and fixed I am able to install the planking of the quarterdeck
I will make this planking following in some parts the Lightley model

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the deck surface is still not scraped or sanded - caulking is done like everywhere on this model with painting with ecoline

View attachment 389617

Many Thanks for your interest in my model .... to be continued .....
my dear friend
the upper deck looks great
Bardzo ładnie położona deska dużo przestrzeni do oglądania super. Pozdrawiam Mirek

Very nicely laid board a lot of space to watch great. Regards, Mirek
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After the windows are fitted and fixed I am able to install the planking of the quarterdeck
I will make this planking following in some parts the Lightley model

View attachment 389618

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View attachment 389616

the deck surface is still not scraped or sanded - caulking is done like everywhere on this model with painting with ecoline

View attachment 389617

Many Thanks for your interest in my model .... to be continued .....
Good morning Uwek. Bravo. Cheers Grant
Ja Ja the sanding and cleaning of the frames is taking some time

I have the advantage, that I have a very good spindle sander for the most of the meat, afterwards by hand with a good sanding block. The final sanding will come after all frames are fixed and the complete hull will get the final touch

View attachment 301016

View attachment 301017

On these two photos you can see on one side the frames after the spindle sander - and the other after pre-sanding by hand - before a further adjustment will be necessary, especially at the basis where the frames are sitting on the keel
So step by step.........

to be continued ..... and mayn thanks for your interest, all your comments and the likes received
Hello, i know this is an old post but I was wondering if you would mind answering a question. So, I understand that once the frames are installed in the jig, there will need to be some fairing done on the outside of the frames, well at least I think so. For POF models, where you see the inside too, do you have to fair the inside of the frames as well?