HMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by Uwe

Hello, i know this is an old post but I was wondering if you would mind answering a question. So, I understand that once the frames are installed in the jig, there will need to be some fairing done on the outside of the frames, well at least I think so. For POF models, where you see the inside too, do you have to fair the inside of the frames as well?
Yes - off course the inner sides of the frames have to be also faired
I do this usually already by 90% before I fix the frames on the keel, than with my spindle sander

And after all are fixed by sanding by hand

The innner sides have to take over also the inner planking etc. so at the end it is the same work and program necessary like for outside
Yes - off course the inner sides of the frames have to be also faired
I do this usually already by 90% before I fix the frames on the keel, than with my spindle sander

And after all are fixed by sanding by hand

The innner sides have to take over also the inner planking etc. so at the end it is the same work and program necessary like for outside
sounds like a very tricky step.
i have never built one. I hope to someday.
A POF-build is at first quite intimidating, but once you've committed yourself, the build of the basic POF-structure is more time consuming than difficult. It also forced me to have a more in-depth look into the construction of wooden ships. As an added bonus a POF gives you the opportunity to do some customization.
Personally, I'm hooked on POF.
..... It also forced me to have a more in-depth look into the construction of wooden ships. ....
This is absolutely correct - you think and have to think and make research, how was such a ship / hull / deck in real constructed
So you learn a lot about the old shipwright construction methods and principles
First of all many thanks to @pianoforte , @shota70 , @Dean62 , @Mirek , @GrantTyler , @Dematosdg , @Foxtrott , @Magic Mike , @Scott Shilling , @Jack Sparrow and @RDN1954 for the motivating comments and replies, also for all your interest.
And off course also for all the likes received - highly appreciated !!!!

Before I can continue and finalize the deck planking I had to make the small hatch with the ladder from quarterdeck down into the cabin

and I can show shortly also my way how I fix such a ladder
after cleaning the small parts from char (as much as possible I fix the stringers on a double sided adhesive tape, parallel and in the correct distance - now I can easily glue and fix the steps and the glue can dry

here the final result still on the adhesive tape

hatch and ladder are fixed


three ladders are coming here together - so the "main crossing"



Many Thanks for your kind interest .... to be continued
Now I was jumping to the other end of the deck planking of the quarterdeck

and first of all I realized, that I have to plank over the sternpost

Screenshot 2023-08-21 142832.png

Good to have some small saws which are suitable for such situations - otherwise sanding would be much more work


now the planks directly in front or under the tiller house can be installed


some planks adjusted in width


and also adjusted in length as a next step


now still I have two times two planks which have to be adjusted in width to fill the gap - on this situation I glued two pieces of plank in enough length together and adjust the width with sanding along the length on the disc sander to adjust the width of this sandwich (double plank), so it is fiting excatly into the gap.
On the left already adjusted - on the right a double plank with original width (how mcuh to be sanded is marked with a pencil


with this way I can be sure, that the two planks are appr. of the same width


The width fits


and also the other side


Many Thansk for your interest .... to be continued ....
Pięknie położyłeś deskę, podoba mi się. Pozdrawiam Mirek

You laid the board beautifully, I like it. Regards, Mirek
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Many Thanks @GrantTyler , @RDN1954 and @Peter Voogt for the comments and all the likes

In the meantime I made the treenailing of the quarter deck with my usual method of toothpicks prepared with a drawplate to 0,5mm - Treenailing of deck planking is for now finished






Now I can start with the inner planking of the bulkheads and and and ....

Many Thanks for your interest