HMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by Uwe

Amante, caviglia, albero, pennone... :)

google translation.....
Lover, ankle, tree, flagpole... :)
Si, ahahahah, non è molto affidabile.
Non è colpa di google, ahahahah, noi quel pezzo la chiamiamo "pazienza" che vuol dire tutta un'altra cosa.

Yes, hahahaha, it's not very reliable.

It's not Google's fault, hahahaha, we call that piece "patience" which means something completely different.
Many Thanks to @pianoforte , @Tobias , @Mirek and @AlessandroROMA for your kind comments and replies and also to all others giving a like or even taking a look into my building log.

After some weeks not working on my model (to much to do outside of the workshop) I can today show you some small progress on the time-consuming sheer rail

Approximately one month ago I showed already the first working steps of the scratch cut of the top - but before I can adjust it to the correct length and install these parts the curved element has to be prepared - at the end I hope, that it will fit

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I decided to make the top also in black in order to have a contrast

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only for test reasons I "blackened" also the wales - the copper-bolts are now much more visible

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I think I like it

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and also some views from the inside

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Many Thanks for your interest .... to be continued ....
Good morning Uwek. “I think I like it” too. Chee Grant
Hallo friends,
many thanks to all your positive comments and replies and also for your given likes - much appreciated

Not much happened in the last days - only some small progress with adjusting the top - step by step one side comes to an end





Still dryfitted

Mayn Thanks for your interest .... to be continued
Many Thanks to @dockattner , @Tobias , @Steef66 , @Dubz Modelling World and @GrantTyler for your kind words and comments and all other giving my a like for the post - highly appreciated

Mmmm, I don't think the cathead is that sandwiched made ... I would suggest redoing it as a solid part ... just my 2cent :)
Hallo Dirk, thanks for your comment
first of all I can imagine, that the old shipwrights would have such a strong part made in sandwhich or as a composite structure - like the anchor stock which was also made out of two elements

I am not 100% sure, but it seems, that there are joints under the paint


but anyhow it will be not necessary to rebuild the part from scratch, because I think (in moment) that I will also colour the catheads black - originaly most of them were painted on real ships and also in the model the bolts would be more visible - I will see.


Definitely it is some of these "problems" of the construction methods the developer of a kit-model has to think and has to make decisions
Think about your own last model with the sandwhich beams - sometimes we have to live with these parts (or change it)
Hi Uwe,
I just noticed that the nailing on this upper deck runs straight but the nailing on the lower deck is staggered. Is this a standard rule? Based on the width of the beams?
Good point - I was think about before how to solve this.
My reason, why I made here a difference is the fact, that the beams on the forecastle and also at the quarterdeck have a reduced width, but the beams of the main deck are wider.

you can see the difference maybe here



This is the main reason - when the space is not enough, the width too small, the treenails have to be in one row
You can set good accents with a little colour. Great work my friend.

Good morning Uwek. This is modeling excellence. Thanks for sharing your processes as well- one day when I attempt a POF your builds will be a most used reference. Cheers Grant

Grant we would all be very happy if you do a POF build at some point and with Uwe's build protocols you're absolutely safe. His protocol of Le Coureur helped me a lot.